20 weeks

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August 7th 2013- 20 weeks

"Which one do you want?" Logan held up 2 cups for Lena


Logan filled the cup with water and set it down in front of Lena

"Where's mama?" Lena asked

"She's at work"


"Because she had a meeting today"


"I don't know, munchkin"

"You're munchkin" Lena giggled

"No you" Logan chuckled

"Logan?" Rory called out when she got home a few hours later

"Mama!" Lena came running towards her and hugged her legs

"Hi baby" Rory picked her up and hugged her "where's daddy?"


"Ok" Rory put Lena down and walked upstairs. Lena ran ahead of her and into her room "Logan?"

"Bedroom, Ace"

"Hi" Rory said when she walked into the room where Logan was during on the bed with his laptop

"What's wrong?" Logan asked, noticing she looked tired

"Remind me why I voluntarily chose to be pregnant again" Rory said as she flopped backwards onto the bed

"Do you actually want me too, or-?" He put his laptop on the bedside table

"No" Rory rolled into her side to look at Logan

"What happened?" He put his hand on her shoulder

"Nothing" Rory sighed "It's just really hard to get things done when your back hurts and you can't get comfortable and you have to pee every 20 minutes"

"Come here" Logan held his arms out

Rory moved closer to Logan and he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head "I'm sorry you're so uncomfortable"

"It's not your fault"

"It kind of is"

"No, Logan, we made a decision together and I knew what I was getting myself into"

"I love you. You know that?"

"I had a feeling" Rory joked "I love you too" she kissed him


August 10th 2013

"Are you sure you don't mind watching her?" Rory asked

"I'm here for the weekend anyway. There's no reason for you to get a babysitter" Lorelai said

"Ok, thank you" Rory said "we should be back around 2"

"With pictures?" Lorelai asked, hopefully


"And news?"

"I already told you that we're not telling anyone"

"But why? I wanna stop calling it 'it'"

"You could always call it chicken nugget" Rory suggested

"No, because I think it's weird that you guys are calling your baby chicken nugget"

"Weirder than Logan calling Lena 'munchkin'?"


"Or you calling me 'loin fruit' ?"

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