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" so I'll pick you up from work at 6 for date night" Logan asked Rory as the got ready for work "Megan's giving you a ride, right?"

"Yeah. Are you gonna tell me where you're we're going?" Rory asked and Logan put his hands on her waist

"Where would be the fun in that?" He smiled and kissed her forehead

"It's there any point in me arguing this?"

"Probably not" Logan kissed her

Rory looked at her phone "I have to go, Megan's here, will you walk Hershey before you leave?"

"Yeah, I got it"

"Ok bye. Love you" she kissed him

"Love you too"


"- and one last thing before you all leave for the day" Rory's editor said at the end of the meeting "we need more pieces for tomorrows issue so if you have anything ready please bring it to layout before you leave. Alright, if your work day is done, see you tomorrow. If it's not, get back to work"

Rory grabbed her coat and headed down to where Logan was waiting for her. She got in the car and sat down "hi" she leaned over and kissed Logan

"Hi back"

"How was your day?"


"Same here" Rory sighed

"You gotta take it easy, Ace" he put his hand on Rory's leg as he drove

"I'm a journalist, easy is not in my job description"


"I'll try, I promise"

"Thank you"

"So where are we going?"

"Not telling"



"I hate this intersection" Rory said as they stopped at a traffic light

"I think all of San Francisco would agree with you" Logan chuckled


"Mrs Huntzberger?" Someone asked "Mrs Huntzberger, can you hear me?"

"Yes" Rory groaned

"Can you open your eyes for me?" the paramedic asked

Rory didn't do anything

"Ace, please open your eyes" Logan grabbed her hand

Rory opened her eyes then closed them again

"Ok good" the paramedic said, then turned to Logan "you really need to stop moving"

"I'm fine" Logan insisted

"You're not fine" she said "sit still so I can take care of your wife instead of worrying about you"

Logan nodded

"I need her information" the paramedic said "age, any medications she takes, any medical conditions"

"Um.... she's 26, she doesn't take anything, and she doesn't have any medical conditions, but she's uh...she's about 8 and a half weeks pregnant"

"And you?" She asked

"I'm 28, I don't take anything, no medical conditions"

"Ow" Rory groaned

"What hurts?" The paramedic asked

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