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"Dad!" Logan yelled "I'm not discussing this with you anymore!"

"Logan..." Mitchum said "you're a Huntzberger! This is what you were born to do!"

"I don't care!" Logan shouted "I don't wanna do that! And I definitely don't wanna become you!"

"Because my life has been so bad?!"

"In my opinion, yes. You have 2 kids who dread having to talk to you. Your marriage is a joke. And you work 24/7 to hide from it!"

"And you're not like that?"

"No! I'm not! I work during normal work hours and that's it. I enjoy my job. I have friends, who I see regularly. I get woken up every morning by my daughter climbing into my bed. I pick her up from daycare and she runs up and hugs me. My son smiles when he sees me. My marriage is amazing. You can't say any of that! I'm not even sure there was ever a time you could! That's why I won't come back and work for you!"

"So that's it? Your turning your back on your family?"

"No. I'm making sure that I don't ruin my family!"

Danny started crying. Logan picked him up and rocked him gently.

"Will you just listen for a minute?" Mitchum asked, quietly

"You show up at my house, unannounced and uninvited, trying to convince me to do something that I've told you multiple times that I'm not gonna do. Whatever you have to say won't change my mind and Rory and Lena will be home and minute, so if you're done..."

"I'm not allowed to see your daughter?"

"It's not about Lena. She doesn't even know who you are" Logan put Danny back down

"She doesn't?" Mitchum asked, sounding a little disappointed

"How would she? She never sees you"

"I guess that's my fault"

"Logan?" Rory called out when she and Lena walked into the house


"Daddy!" Lena ran into the kitchen and hugged Logan's legs

"Hey munchkin!" Logan picked her up and kissed her cheek "how was school?"

"I colored a dinosaur picture" Lena told him, excitedly

Rory walked into kitchen and gave Logan a questioning look.

"That's great, sweetie" Logan noticed Rory "why don't you go play in your room and I'll be up soon" Logan put Lena down

"Ok" Lena said and ran upstairs

"Hi Mitchum" Rory said and glanced at Logan

"Rory" Mitchum said "I was just leaving"

"Don't leave on my account" Rory said "I can give you some space"

"It's not on your account" Mitchum said "Logan, think about what I said. Rory, have a good evening" Mitchum left

"Don't look at me like that" Logan said

"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine" He wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her "and I promised Lena I'd be upstairs"

"Go. I've got nugget"


"Why was your dad here?" Rory asked later that night, once both kids were asleep and they were in bed

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