Crash and Burn

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"Tell me about your necklace" the psychiatrist said

"What?" Rory asked

"Your necklace. We've been talking for 40 minutes and you've been fiddling with it the entire time. You haven't let go of it once"

"I didn't realize"

"I know. So tell me about it"

" husband gave it to me the day my daughter was born" Rory told her "it has her name and birthdate engraved on it"

"That's sweet"

"Yeah. I never take it off"

"Remind me when your daughter was born"


"And the accident was in December?"


"So you were pregnant already"


"Do you take breaks during the day?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you ever alone with your thoughts?"

"I try not to be"

"I see..." psychiatrist said "when was the last time you slept through the night?"

"I have a 5 month old baby"

"Who sleeps through the night"


"So that means that you should be sleeping through the night"

Rory looked down

"How long has your daughter been sleeping through the night?"

"About a month"

"So in the past month, how many nights have you slept the whole night?"

"Maybe half" Rory said "probably less"

"It sounds to me like you have ptsd"

"Um...what does that mean? I mean...I know what ptsd is, but what now?"

"Well, ideally I'd prescribe you with an anti-anxiety medication and something to help you sleep. I'd also like you to come see me once a week"

"I need to be able to hear the baby"

"You will be. Are you breastfeeding?"

"No, why?"

"Because there are certain medications you can't take when you're breastfeeding"


"So I'll write you a prescription and you can go home."


The psychiatrist wrote Rory a prescription and Rory started to leave.

"Rory" the psychiatrist stopped her


"Make sure you talk to your husband."

Rory nodded and left


"Ace, is that you?" Logan asked from upstairs when he heard the front door open and close

"Yeah" Rory headed up the stairs

"Hi" Logan kissed her

"Where's Lena?" Rory asked and started to walk into the bedroom

"Hold on" Logan grabbed her arm and pulled her back to him. He put his hands on her waist "how was it?"

"It was fine" Rory sighed "I guess I have ptsd or whatever"

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