Dance Marathon

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November 13th

Rory, Logan, and the kids had spent the night before the dance marathon at Lorelai and Luke's house. Oliver was gonna meet them there.

"Wake up!" Lorelai called out as she ran through the house at 4am "it's dance time"

"I'm gonna kill my mother" Rory grumbled

"You're not gonna kill your mom" Logan said and kissed her shoulder

"Come on! Let's go!" Lorelai shouted "it's starting soon!"

"Nana!" Daniel came out of one of the bedrooms that lorelai and Luke had added on over the years "we're all awake. Stop yelling"

"Yeah" Rory came out of her old room "definitely stop yelling"

"Fine" Lorelai put her hands up in defense "who wants coffee?"

"Everyone" Rory said

"Everyone. Everyone?" Lorelai asked

"Everyone over the age of 16" Daniel said

"Does that include Lena?" Lorelai asked as she poured coffee

"Yes" Lena said as she hopped into the kitchen and sat down

"Where are your crutches?" Logan asked

"In the room"


"I can get around the house just fine without them and they hurt my armpits" Lena said getting a laugh from Sophie

"Please be careful" Rory said

"I am"

"Good Morning" Luke walked into the kitchen and kissed each of the kids on the head before kissing Lorelai on the lips and sitting down

"Did I tell you that he's dancing with me?" Lorelai asked

"Luke, you're gonna dance?!" Rory asked in disbelief

"It took 20 years but I finally wore him down" Lorelai giggled

"Mom and dad are dancing too" Sophie said

"Hold the phone!" Lorelai's jaw dropped "you said you were never doing it again after that one time!"

"Logan agreed to it" Rory rolled her eyes

"She's got your eyes!" Logan said in his defense "I can't say no to you either when you look at me like she did"

"I know" Rory chuckled

"Stop!" Lena put her hands up "Don't go somewhere dirty"

"Excuse me!" Rory looked at Lena "when have we ever gone anywhere remotely close to dirty in front of you guys?"

Lena didn't say anything

"Yeah, that's what I thought"

They finished eating breakfast before getting dressed in their 50's themed outfits and heading to the high school for the marathon.

They were in line to get checked in when someone came up behind them and covered Lena's eyes

"Guess who"

"Hi Oliver" Lena smiled and shook her head 

"Hi" he kissed her cheek

"Ooh" Daniel teased to which Lena smacked his arm

Lorelai grabbed Rory's hand and pulled her off to the side "that's a boy!"

"Yes, it is"

"She brought a boy to the dance marathon"

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