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"No!" Lena yelled

"Munchkin, you need to take the medicine"Logan said

"No! No! No! No! No!"

"I promise it'll make you feel better"


The house phone rang

"Hello?" Logan put the phone to his ear

"Hi" Lorelai said

"Oh, hey Lorelai"

"You ok? You sound stressed"

"Any tips for getting a 2 year old to take medicine?"

"Mix it with her juice. She won't even notice"

"You're a genius, you know that?"

"Well, I try" Lorelai said "What's going on over there?"

"Lena's sick and we're trying to make sure that Danny doesn't get sick so we're keeping them as far apart as possible"

"So right now Rory and Daniel are...?"

"At the park"

"Got it"

"I actually have to go try and get her to take this stuff"

"Good luck. Remember the juice"

"I will, thanks"

"Bye" Lorelai hung up

Logan sighed and looked at Lena "you want some juice?"


"Surprise!" Lorelai said when Rory opened the door

"What are you doing here?" Rory asked

"I brought reinforcements" lorelai held up a bag

"Oh, my god." Rory chuckled when she looked in the bag "what did you do? Raid a dinosaur factory?"

"I thought it might help" Lorelai shrugged

"She's gonna love it"


They walked towards the living room where Danny was asleep in a bassinet

"So where's Lena?" Lorelai asked

"Finally asleep" Rory said "it took forever and she's in our bed, not hers, but sleeping is sleeping"

"When you were little and would get sick, you'd cry any time a tried to leave the room. And if I left the room while you were asleep, but wasn't back when you woke up, you'd cry"

Danny started crying

"Hey, don't you have work?" Rory asked as she picked up Danny

"It's my day off" Lorelai reminded her

"Right" Rory sighed as she bounced Danny "sorry, I'm really tired"

"Where's Logan?"


"I would've gotten whatever you needed on my way over"

"You didn't tell me you were coming"

"Oh yeah"

"He should be back any minute"

A few minutes later, Logan walked through the door.

"Ace, I'm back!"

"Living room!"

Logan put the shopping bag down in the kitchen before walking into the living room

"Hi" He bent down to kiss Rory


"Lorelai, I didn't know you were coming"

"She was a surprise" Rory said

"Much like you" Lorelai joked

"I'm ignoring that" Rory said

"What's with the dinosaur stuff?" Logan asked

"It's for Lena" Lorelai said


Everyone was asleep when Rory and Logan's bedroom door opened.

"Mama" Lena cried

Rory lifted her head and looked around the room to see Lena standing in the doorway, holding her elephant blanket and the stuffed dinosaur that April had given her.

"Come here" Rory whispered. She lifted Lena into the bed, between her and Logan and wrapped her arms around her. "Go back to sleep" she kissed her forehead

"Why are your feet so cold?" Logan mumbled when he felt Lena's feet touch his legs

"What?"  Rory whispered

"Your feet. They're freezing"

"I'm wearing socks, and I didn't touch you"

Logan opened his eyes

"Why is she in here?"

"Because she came in here and I'm not gonna tell her she can't sleep in here when she's sick"

"She needs socks" Logan got out of bed and walked to Lena room. A minute later he came back with a pair of Lena's socks and put them on her before getting back into bed "go back to sleep" He kissed Rory's cheek and then Lena's


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