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Logan, Rory, Lorelai, April and Luke were all getting ready for the Gilmores' party at Lorelai and Luke's house.

"Ace, you ok?" Logan asked Rory who was standing in front of the mirror

"What?" Rory snapped out of her thoughts

"What's wrong?"

"Why did I choose a sleeveless dress?"

"Because it looks good?"

Rory ran her fingers over the scars on her arm and shoulder

"Oh" Logan sighed "come here" he wrapped his arms around her and she rested her head on his chest "it happened, it passed, we're ok" He said, softly

"I don't like that every time I look in the mirror, I'm reminded about it"

"I know. I know that it's hard for you"

"I just- I don't know" Rory started tearing up "you know, I still have nightmares about it?"

"I didn't know that"


Lena started fussing. Rory wiped her eyes and went to pick her up

"Hey" Logan grabbed her arm "we have to talk about this"

"We will"


"We will, but now is not the time" Rory sniffled


"We'll talk about it, I promise" Rory picked up Lena and held her close to her chest


"Rory! Logan!" Lorelai called out "we have to get going"

Rory wiped her eyes and walked out of the room, holding Lena  "we're ready"

"Are you ok?" Lorelai asked

"I'm fine" Rory said

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" Rory adjusted Lena in her arms

"Ok. Babette will be here any minute"

"How long do you think we need to stay at this thing?" Rory asked

"Ace, the part is for you" Logan said, walking out of the room "I think people will notice if you leave"


"Hello?" Babette called out

"Come on in" Lorelai said

"Rory, I have to tell you how excited I am to spend the evening with this little cutie patootie" Babette said, excitedly

"Just wait until I put her down" Rory said

"What?" Babette asked

"There's a pretty good chance that she starts screaming the second I put her down"

"Rory, Babette can handle it" lorelai said "we need to leave"

"Ok, her schedule is on the counter, there are bottles in the fridge, her pacifier is in the little pocket in the diaper bag, the diaper bag is in the living room, uh... use the baby powder when you change her and there's extra clothes and pajamas in the diaper bag too. Also she usually won't fall asleep unless one of us is holding her, so you might have to rock her to sleep before putting her down. Logan and I will both have our cellphones, both our numbers and my grandparents home phone number are on the counter with the schedule"

"Got it" Babette said

"Thank you so much" Rory said, handing Lena to Babette. Lena fussed a little

"Anytime, sugar" Babette bounced Lena

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