
290 6 1

August 25th 2013- 22 weeks

"You're really not even gonna hear him out?" Honor asked when Logan declined Mitchum call

"I don't need to. He wants me back at HPG, and it's not gonna happen"

"Mommy!" Violet came running into the living room "can we go in the pool?"

"Ask your uncle Logan" Honor said

"Uncle Logan can we go in the pool?"

"Sure" Logan smiled "munchkin!"

Lena came running in

"Do you wanna go swimming?" Logan asked


They got the kids changed and took them out to the pool.

"It's weird that your 2 year old knows how to swim, Logan"

"We have a Pool in our backyard. We thought it was important"

"It's is. I'm just saying, you don't meet many 2 year olds who can swim"

"I thought I heard noise out here" Rory walked into the yard through the gate

"Mama!" Lena ran over to Rory and hugged her

"Oh, you're all wet!" Rory groaned and hugged Lena back "hi Honor. Hi Violet"

"Rory, you look great" Honor said

"Thanks. So do you"

"Ace" Logan stood up and kissed Rory "how was work?"

"Slow actually. I even had time to work on the book"

"You're writing another book?" Honor asked

"Trying to"

"Good luck"


"By the way, did you ever decide on a preschool? Because I stand by my recommendation"

"We actually did" Rory said "she starts this week"

"What did you pick?"

"We picked one in the city because we both work there so it just made sense. it's a...what's it called? Where they speak to the kids in another language so they learn it"

"Language immersion, Ace" Logan chuckled

"Oh that's cool. What language?"

"They do Spanish and French" Rory said "I'm not so sure how it works but it's suppose to be a great school"

"Oh she'll sound so but speaking Spanish and French" Honor said

"I might have to pull out mine though if she starts speaking it a lot" Rory chuckled

"You speak Spanish and French?" Honor asked, surprised

"Mhmm" Rory nodded

"And German" Logan said




"And that brings up back to the classroom" Lena's teacher said as she finished giving Rory, Logan and Lena a tour of the preschool "do you have any questions?"

"I just wanna ask again about the allergies" Rory said

"Of course. We're nut free so the peanuts aren't an issue and we don't allow the children to share food, because of allergies. On top of that, all of our staff is first aid trained and we have your Epi-pen"

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