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"...Because now, Rory, you're a bulldog through and through" Emily and Richard finished their song

"Wow" Rory walked over to them and hugged them "thank you for that"

"We meant every word" Emily said

"Even the ones we sang off key" Richard joked

"You know none of this would've been possible without you" Rory said

"You're a wonderful young woman, Rory" Richard said "you're going to do wonderful things"

The party continued and Rory found herself standing with a group of women from the DAR

"We'd love to have you back at the DAR" one woman said

"So much. You were a breath of fresh air" another woman said

"We wanna start a little outreach program" the first woman said

"You would not believe your generations apathy when it comes to such things as the preservation of this nation's history" the second woman said

"Oh, really, yeah, that's a shame" Rory said

"We were thinking of renting out a roller rink a-" the second woman said but was interrupted

"I'm sorry, ladies, would you mind if I steal my girlfriend away for a moment? Some rather urgent business" Logan walked up to them and wrapped his arm around Rory

"Of course"

"Oh, you really are my shining armored knight" Rory sighed as they walked away

"So I was thinking" Logan said "she should take a trip to California"


"We need somewhere to live, don't we?"

"I guess we do"

"So, next weekend?"

"Next weekend" Rory smiled

Logan leaned in and kissed her

Lorelai was standing talking to Christopher. She kept looking over at Rory and Logan

"What's wrong?" Chris asked


"You keep looking over at Rory. Is she ok"

"She's fine"

"Then what gives?"

"Come here" lorelai grabbed Christopher's arm and led him outside

"What's going on?"

"Logan came to see me last week" lorelai told him "He wanted my permission to ask Rory to marry him"


"I know"

"What did you say?"

"What do you think I said? I told him he could ask her"


"I know"


"I still can't believe my grandparents actually got up in front of all this people and sang that song" Rory said, joining Logan in bed

Logan wrapped his arm around Rory and she laid her head on his chest.

"It was amazing" Logan chuckled

"It really was"

"So I booked us a flight to San Francisco  for next Saturday"

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