
246 10 1

May 10th- 22 weeks

Rory stood outside of Chilton, looking at the building. She and a few other alumni had been asked to give talks that day.

"Huntzberger" Paris said, appearing next to her

"I still think it's crazy that you agreed to do this"

"Why wouldn't I do it?"

"Paris, you had a baby 2 weeks ago"

"Yeah, and by the way, now that I've been on both ends of a birth, I can officially say that you're nuts for deciding to do it a 3rd time"

"How's the baby, Paris?" Rory asked

"She's good. Diapers are gross. Breastfeeding sucks"

"Well, I don't know about the breastfeeding, but I can assure you that when it comes to kids, there are grosser things than diapers"

"God, have you been back here?" Paris asked

"Not in 13 years"

They walked in and watched the students hurting to their next class.

"Were we ever this young?" Rory asked, rhetorically

"Yeah, about 14 years ago" Paris said

"That didn't need an answer, Paris"

"There are 2 of my favorite former students" headmaster Charleston said, walking up to them.

"Headmaster Charleston" Rory smiled and shook his hand


"Headmaster" Paris shook his hand


They made their way to the headmaster's office and say down on a small couch.

"Would either of you like a cup of coffee?" He offered

"No. Thank you" Rory said


"I'm good, too"

"Alright, then" he sat down in a chair across from them "I've been following your careers. Very impressive"

"Thank you" Rory said

"How are you doing outside of that? Rory, how's your family doing?"

"I always forget that you're friends with my grandparents" Rory chuckled "they're good. Thank you"

"And you Paris? I heard congratulations are in order"

"Yes, thank you"

"I played golf with Richard last weekend and he couldn't stop talking about his great grandchildren. He's very proud"


"Alright" the headmaster said "Paris, you're in there. Biology with Mrs Wilkins. And Rory over there. English with Mr Medina"

"He still teaches here?" Paris asked, surprised. Charleston nodded "huh"

Paris walked into Mrs Wilkins' classroom and Rory walked into Mr Medina's.

"Perfect timing" Max said "everyone, Rory Huntzberger. A name you should all recognize, you wrote a report on her book not 2 months ago"

"You taught my book?" Rory asked, surprised

"I did" Max said "it's a great book"

Rory smiled

"Nice to see you again, Rory"

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