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October 2nd

"Do you need help?" Allie asked Lena who was trying to carry her tray from to a table in the dining hall, while also on crutches

"No" Lena insisted

"Lena..." Allie chuckled

"Fine" Lena sighed. Allie took Lena's tray and they sat down at a table

"Ok, so get this" Allie said "you know that guy I told you about?"

"The one in your economics class?"


"What about him?"

"I got tired of waiting for him to ask me out so I asked him"


"Let's just say, I'll be out late tonight"

"Good for you" Lena smiled

Oliver appeared beside Lena "inappropriate dining hall kiss. Too late, can't stop me" he kissed her

"Hi" Lena chuckled as Oliver sat down next to her

"How's your leg?" Oliver asked

"Allie has a date tonight" Lena tried to change the subject "isn't that great?"

"Very great" Oliver said "how's your leg?"

"How was your last root canal?"

"Still hurts, huh?" Oliver sighed

"Yup" Lena took a sip of her drink

"I'm sorry"

"Why are you sorry? It's not like you're the one who kicked me"

"I still feel bad"


"If you're under the age of 15 and your last name is Huntzberger, you have 2 minutes to be in the car!"

"I'm not ready!" Sophie shouted from upstairs

"We're gonna be late" Rory said

"5 minutes!"

30 minutes later they were at a restaurant, having dinner with Christopher, Laura, and Gigi

"Did he really?" Rory asked

"Yup" Gigi giggled "it was amazing"

"It was NOT amazing" Laura said

"I think it was amazing" Chris said

"Dad!" Rory gasped "you threw your wife in the pool?!"

"I'm just gonna say that context matters" Christopher said in his defense

"Regardless of context, if Logan ever threw me in a pool while I was fully dressed, he'd suddenly find himself very-" Rory paused for a second, remembering that her kids were at the table "never mind"

"Are you working on any new books?" Laura asked

"Not a book..." Rory said. Logan gave her a questioning look

"Care to share?" Christopher asked

"Well..." Rory started "a movie producer reached out to me, and-"

"Shut up!" Gigi exclaimed "they're making a movie out of one of your books?!"

"Really?" Christopher asked

Rory nodded

"That's so cool!" Laura said

"Mom, are you gonna be in it?" Daniel asked

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