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February 6th 2014

"Ahh!" Rory squealed when she read her email

"What happened?!" Logan ran into the room

"What?" Rory asked "oh, sorry. Didn't mean to scare you"

"Then why'd you scream?"

"Look" Rory turned her laptop around "my new book will be officially released on March 1st!"

"Ace, that's amazing!" He hugged her

"And they're expecting it to sell really well" Rory added "And they're gonna have a release party"

Danny started crying

"He needs to be fed" Rory said



February 10th

"So Rory, when is your book release party?" Richard asked

"Next Thursday. And the book goes out the next Saturday" Rory said

"Have you noticed that every time you publish a book it's while you're on maternity leave?" Lorelai asked

"I have actually" Rory said "maternity leave is boring and leaves you with a lot of time for things that I usually wouldn't have because of work"

"Isn't the point of maternity leave to spent time with your new baby?" April asked

"Have you ever met a newborn baby?" Rory asked, rhetorically

"Um...both of yours"

"Yeah well, all newborns do is eat and sleep. It's boring" Rory chuckled

"I think they're very sweet" Emily said, looking at Daniel who she was holding

"I'm not saying they aren't sweet. I'm just saying that they're boring"

"Hershey loves him though" Logan said

"Oh yeah!" Rory chuckled, softly "anywhere nugget goes, there's Hershey"

"I hate that you call him that" Emily said

"What? Nugget?" Lorelai asked

"Yes. It's a ridiculous thing to call a baby"

"It's cute, mom" Lorelai said

"Plus there's actually a story behind it" Rory said

"I'm listening" Emily said

"When I was like...what? 11 weeks pregnant?"

"Something like that" Logan nodded

"We were laying in bed one night and Logan asks me how the baby's doing. And at 11 weeks a fetus is like an inch and half long and the first thing I could think of that's around that size was a chicken nugget. So I said to him that the baby was the size of a chicken nugget and didn't even know it existed, and couldn't be doing good or bad. And from then on we kinda just called him chicken nugget"

Emily just started at Rory

"I said there was a story behind it. I never said it was a good story"

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