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September 13th 2016

"Did you know that cockroaches can spend up to 10 days without a head?" Lena said as they ate diner

"I did not" Rory said

"They can"

"That's what you're learning in kindergarten?" Logan raised an eyebrow

"Nope" Lena said "in my book"

"We might need to get another one of those books" Rory said

Logan nodded

Late that night Logan rejoined Rory in bed after getting up to feed Sophie.

"It's so crazy" Logan said as he wrapped his arms around Rory's waist, pulling her into him

"What is?" Rory turned her head to look at Logan

"That she's almost 2 months old when she should only be a few days old" Logan said

"Well, she's the size that she'd be if she were born when she was supposed to"

"She is not"

"Yes she is"

"You're delusional"

"Ace, she would not have been born weighing 5 pounds"

"You don't know that"

"Whatever you say" he kissed her cheek

The next morning Rory's alarm woke them before Sophie did

"Why is your alarm on?" Logan asked as Rory turned the alarm off "You're on maternity leave"

"I'm meeting with Quinn today" Rory said "I didn't tell you?"

"Clearly not"

"Sorry. I meant to. I thought I did"

"Don't worry about it" he kissed her cheek "why are you meeting Quinn?"

"Something about book signing events"

"So I have Sophie today?"

"Honor offered to watch her"

"My sister talks to you more than she talks to me"


"She likes you more"

"I gave her 2 nieces and a nephew"

"I also gave her 2 nieces and a nephew!" Logan exclaimed

"Yeah but I did the actual 'pushing a human being out of my body' part"

Logan just smiled, shook his head and kissed her before getting out of bed.

"Why do I sit on the sink when you do my hair?" Lena asked as Logan brushed her hair

"Because if you stood on the floor or sat on a chair a would have to bend down to reach your head"


"Because you're a little person"


"Alright munchkin" Logan patted Lena's shoulder "you're all ready" he lifted her up of the counter and put her down on the floor "mommy's downstairs she'll give you breakfast"



"-and sales are still up" Quinn told Rory "on both books"

"Isn't that good?" Rory asked

"It is. But Ed thinks you need something to bridge the gap between now and when your next 2 books come out"

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