August 2011

301 9 1

"I still can't believe you're actually gonna be a published author" Lane said as she and Rory walked through town. Lane was pushing Lena's stroller

"Me neither" Rory said "are you sure you don't want me to take that?"


"So how are the boys?"

"The boys are good. They're starting preschool in a few weeks"

"Man, that's crazy" Rory said "how about Charlotte?"

"Charlotte is crazy"

"What do you mean?"

"She's fearless" Lane said "she climbs on everything and jumps off of everything. Im surprised we haven't had to take her to the emergency room yet. How's Lena doing?"

"She's good. She loves baths, hates being changed and is currently fighting sleep"

"Be glad she loves baths because mine hate it and it's not easy. Most babies hate being changed and I don't know what to tell you about the sleep thing"

"By the way, she'll be up soon and my diaper bag is at your place"

"Let's head back"

They were about 5 minutes away from Lane and Zach's house when Lena started crying. Rory picked her up.

"You called it" Lane said

"yes I did"

"Mama!" Steve and Kwan rang up to lane when she and Rory walked into lane's house

"Hi boys!" Lane hugged them "say hi to you aunt Rory"


"Wow, you guys got so big!"

"Where's your sister" Lane asked

The boys shrugged and ran off.

"Oh, my god!" Rory said "when did they get so big?"

"Sometime over the last 4 years" Lane said

Rory put Lena down on the rug

"So, how's Zach?"

"Zach is great. He got a promotion at work last week and had to wear a tie, which of course he hates. I think he looks good but he says that ties aren't rock and roll"

"Yeah, I can't imagine Zach in a tie" Rory chuckled

"How's Logan?"

"Logan's good" Rory shook Lena bottle

"Hey, I thought you wanted to breastfeed"

"I did. I changed my mind"

"So that you can drink?"

"Are people really making that decision based on wether it not they can drink?"

"You'd be surprised. So, if that's not it then why?"

"For starters I work. That means that in 3 months when I go back I would have to change up her whole routine. Also this way I'm not the only one who can get up with her in the middle of the night"

"Plus in 10 years, your boobs will thank you"

"That too"


"Hi" Rory said when she got to the diner with Lena

"Hi" Logan kissed her "how was Lane?"

"Lane's good"

"Coffee, Rory?" Luke asked

"Yes please"

"Come here, mini Ace" Logan took Lena from Rory

What should've beenOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora