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After another few days in Connecticut and visiting with everyone they needed to and also looking at a few houses in New York, Logan, Rory and Lena were back home. April was still staying there with Melissa, her roommate. They had been back home for a few days already.

"I gotta get up" Rory groaned

"Why?" Logan sighed and pulled Rory closer to him


"You're quitting. Why do you still have to go?"

"Because a 2 week notice means that you still work for 2 weeks"

"I know" Logan kissed her shoulder "will you be home for dinner?"

"I should be"

"I'm gonna work from here today since I don't have any meeting so I'll cook"

"Thank you" she kissed him

"Ma ma" Lena cried

"Lena's awake" Logan said

"Really? I hadn't noticed" Rory chuckled, getting out of bed. She walked over to Lena crib but when she reached down to pick her up she was hit with a sharp pain "ah!" She grabbed her right shoulder.

"What?!" Logan jumped out of bed and ran over to Rory "what's wrong?!"

"I don't know" Rory groaned, trying not to cry

"Sit down" Logan said and guided Rory to sit on the edge of the bed


"You're fine. You're gone be fine" Logan said

"Mama!" Lena cried

Logan picked up Lena and gently rocked her. "Ok, second. I gotta think"

"Mmm" Rory groaned, still holding her shoulder

"Ok...uh..." Logan was panicking "April!"

"What happened?" April asked from outside the door

"Come in here!" Logan said

"Rory, are you ok?!" April asked

Rory shook her head

"We're gonna go to the emergency room" Logan said "can you watch her?"

"Yes! Of course! Go!" April took Lena from Logan "let me know if there's anything else I can do"

"Thanks um...remember no peanuts, no dairy, she likes eggs and bananas so you can give her that later. For now there are bottles in the fridge and her schedule is on the fridge"

Once they were in the car Rory started crying

"Hey" Logan put his hand on Rory's thigh "you're gonna be ok"

"Mhmm" Rory nodded

A little while later they arrived at the emergency room at Stanford hospital. Rory sat on a chair in the waiting room while Logan went to talk to the receptionist.

"You doing ok?" Logan asked once Rory was in a room

"Mhmm" Rory nodded and took a deep breath

"I'm Dr Wilson, what seems to be the problem?" A doctor walked into the room

"Im having this pain in my shoulder...or I guess closer to my neck" Rory said

"We were in a car accident a year and a half ago" Logan said "she broke her collarbone. Could this be from that?"

"It could be" the doctor said "can I?" She gestured to Rory's shoulder

Rory nodded

"Ah!" Rory inhaled sharply when the doctor touched her collarbone

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