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"It's not that I can't, it's that I won't" Rory heard Logan say into the phone when she got back from walking Hershey "Because I have a month old baby at home"

"Hi" Rory whispered

Logan held up one finger. "Im not leaving my wife alone with a newborn for a week" .... "Send Allison" ...... "I have a kid too!"

"Logan, don't yell" Rory said, quietly

"I'm sorry to disappoint you but you have at least 5 other people who are capable of doing it, that aren't currently on leave and don't have newborns .... Alright, bye" Logan hung up "hi" he kissed Rory

"What was that all about?"

"Jack needs someone to go to Florida for a week to make sure everything's running smoothly in the new office down there and to train the guy that's gonna be in charge over there"

"But you're still on leave"

"I told them that"

"If you really need to go, you can. I'll be fine"

"Absolutely not!"

"Stop shouting, you'll wake her" Rory said and looked over at Lena who was sleeping

"I'm not going" Logan said, quieter "it's not happening" he put his hands on her waist


"Ok" he kissed her "what do you want for dinner?"

"Will you make that chicken that you make with the bread crumbs?"

"And Mac and cheese?"

"Perfect" she kissed him


"I have to tell you something" Rory said, nervously

"Are you pregnant again?" Logan joked "last time you looked at me like that, you told me you were pregnant"

"How could I possibly be pregnant again?"

"How could you be pregnant when you had a baby 4 weeks ago and can't have sex yet? You couldn't, I'm joking. Why so serious?"

"I did something" Rory looked down

"What?" Logan put his hand on Rory's arm

"So, a few years ago I decided to try my hand at writing a book. I finished it a couple of months ago and I sent it to an editor. I got it back a few weeks ago and thought I'd send it to a publisher just to see what would happen. I didn't think anything would come of it but I got a call today from the publisher and she loves it and wants to publish it"

"You wrote a book?"

"A novel, yeah"

"And someone wants to publish it?"

"Yes again"

"Oh, my god! Ace, that's amazing!" He hugged her tight and let go of the hug leaving his hands on her waist "but why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't wanna put any pressure on it. Sending it to an editor made it start to feel real and then the editor told me it was great and recommended a few publishers and until that point I had never actually thought that I'd do anything with it. Then I sent it to a publisher and I was sure that nothing would come of it so I didn't tell you because if I told you that wrote it and that I was sending it to a publisher, I'd have to tell you when they said it wasn't any good, but they didn't say that it wasn't any good, they said it was amazing and they wanna publish it and so I'm telling you. Are you mad?"

"How could I be mad? This is amazing. I'm so proud of you!"

"You're really not mad?"

Logan just kissed her

"I'll take that as a no"

"So, you're getting published?"

"I'm getting published" Rory smiled

"Do you know when it'll be released?"

"I have to go in to sign some contracts and stuff, but as soon we sign it'll take somewhere around 6 months. They're gonna start with about 300 copies, but they're expecting to need more than that within a couple of months"

"We need to celebrate!"

Lena started crying

"We'll celebrate another time" Rory patted Logan's chest and went to pick up Lena


Later that night Rory was sitting on the rocking chair in Lena's room with Lena asleep on her chest.

"Ace, why don't you put her down?" Logan said from the door

"I tried. As soon as I stood up she started fussing" Rory yawned

"Can I bring you anything?"

"Water, if you don't mind"

"I'll be right back"

Logan came back up a few minutes later with a glass of water to find that Rory had fallen asleep. He took Lena from Rory, brought her into their room and put her in the bassinet that was by the bed. Logan walked back into Lena room and over to the rocking chair.

He put his hand on Rory's shoulder "Ace" he whispered

"What?" Rory mumbled, eyes still closed

"You're asleep. Come to bed"


Once they were in bed Logan put his arm around Rory and she snuggled into him.

"I'm so proud of you" Logan whispered

Rory gave him a questioning look

"I'm not kidding, Ace. You're so smart and so talented, and you're a great mother to Lena-"

"Logan" Rory interrupted him "I love you"

"I love you, too"

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