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Lena was home for the summer and Sophie and Daniel only had one more week of school.

"That's not right" Rory whispered to Kevin, the director as they watched the actors rehearse a scene before filming it

"Which part?"

"All of it"

"Hey!" Kevin put his hand up "that wasn't right. Double check your script, make sure you know what you're doing, and we'll do it again"

Rory's phone rang and she stepped outside


"You get the same call I did?" Logan asked through the phone

"Only call I got was you"

"I'm on my way to pick up Sophie. She's sick"

"Um...I won't be home until late, but let me know how she's doing when you know"

"Will do, Ace"

"Alright, bye"


"Logan?" Rory called out when she got home

"Hey" Logan said and kissed her

"Is Sophie ok?"

"She's definitely sick, but she's ok" Logan said "we got home and she pretty much got straight into bed"

"Is she sleeping?"

"No" Sophie said, appearing at the bottom of the stairs

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Rory asked

"Bad" Sophie said

Rory wrapped her arms around Sophie and kissed the top of her head "did you eat anything? Drink anything?"

"Not really" Sophie said "I had some Orange juice"

"Do you wanna eat or get back into bed?" Logan asked

"I think I'm just gonna go back to sleep" Sophie said

"Feel good" Rory said

A little while later Logan and Rory were in their room, getting ready for bed.

"How are you feeling?" Logan asked

"Fine, why?"

"Because you always get sick when the kids do"

"Not every time"

"I can remember maybe once that one of the kids was sick and you weren't. You always get sick when they do"

"Not this time. You'll see"


The next morning Rory woke up before Logan. She reached behind her and taped his shoulder

"Logan" Rory whispered

"Hmm?" Logan mumbled

"You were right"


"You were right"

"Told you" Logan sighed "you staying home today?"


"You want me to stay home?"

"No, it's ok"

Later that morning Daniel had gone to school, Lena was out with her friends, and Sophie, Rory, and Logan were in the kitchen

"Alright" Logan said "I gotta go. You guys gonna be ok?"

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