
249 11 3

June 3rd- 26 weeks

"Not that one" Rory said as she walked up behind Logan who was standing in front of the mirror trying to pick a tie. She put her hands on his upper arms and rested her chin on his shoulder.


"The blue one"

"You don't like the green?"

"You Not unless it's Christmas" Rory chuckled

Logan turned around and put his hands on Rory's waist. "The blue one it is" he said and kissed her "you nervous?"

"To meet with Michelle Obama?"

Logan nodded

"I thought I would be, but I'm actually not" Rory told him "I don't know if it's because I've met her and interviewed her before or if pregnancy brain is cancelling out the nervousness that I should be feeling, but I'm honestly just really excited"


"You're sure that you can pick up the kids tonight, right?" Rory asked as she and Logan continues getting ready

"I told you 3 times that I would make sure that I was out of work by then"

"I know it's just that usually you drop them off and I pick them up because you usually finish working after me so it makes sense to do it that way, and I don't want to have a situation where I have to walk out on Michelle Obama because we didn't plan properly"

"Ace, I've got it covered" Logan said and put his hands on her upper arms "go be amazing, I'll be dad"

"Ok" Rory sighed

"I love you. You know that?"

Rory nodded "I love you, too"


Rory walked into a quiet cafe in New York City, where she'd agreed to meet Michelle. She looked around for a moment before she made eye contact with Michele, who was already there and sitting at a booth. Rory walked over to the table and Michele stood up to greet her.

"Hi" Rory said and shook her hand "nice to see you, again"

"You too. It's been a while" Michelle smiled "and congratulations"

"Thank you"

"I've been following you professionally, so I know about everything there, but how are you? How's your husband?"

"I'm good. Logan's good"


"So, the biography...."


They sat in the cafe for a couple of hours before it got crowded and they decided to head somewhere else. Rory wasn't exactly sure how it happened but they decided to go to her house.

"Ace?" Logan called out when he got home with the kids, that evening

"Where's mama?" Danny asked

"She might not be home yet" Logan said "why don't you guys go wash your hands and I'll get you a snack?"

"Fishies?" Lena asked, hopefully

"We can do goldfish" Logan said "Nugget, you want goldfish, too?"

Danny nodded

The kids went to wash their hands and Logan walked into the kitchen to get them their snack. He was getting out 2 little bowls when he saw Rory sitting outside on the patio with Michelle Obama. Surprised, he walked over to the glass sliding door and opened it just enough to poke his head out.


"Hey, you're home!"

"Yeah...what's- um...hi"

"Hi" Michele smiled

"Ace, can we uh...?" He nodded towards the house

"Excuse me for a minute" Rory said before standing up and walking into the house with Logan "where are the kids?"

"Upstairs" Logan said "what are you guys doing here?"

"The coffee shop got crowded and I don't even know if it was my idea to come here or hers, but here we are"

"Michelle Obama is in our house!" Logan said in disbelief


"That's crazy"

"Yes it is"

"Well, ok then. I guess I'll leave you to it"

"We'll be done soon"

"Take your time" he kissed her cheek before she went back outside

"I think that I probably should've given him a heads up that we were coming here" Rory said as she walked back over to the table where she had been sitting with Michelle "seeing the First Lady in your house is not an everyday occurrence and I think he was pretty shocked"

Michele chuckled softly

"So back to this..." Rory said

"Right. So at that point we were already-"

"Mama!" Lena came running out onto the patio, interrupting Michelle and Logan came out after her

"Hi baby" Rory smiled

"Sorry" Logan apologized "munchkin, come back inside"

"Who are you?" Lena asked, ignoring Logan

"My name's Michelle"


"What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Lena" Michelle smiled

"Come on" Logan took Lena's hand and they went back inside

"Sorry about that" Rory said

"No worries"


"God, I'm exhausted" Rory said as she sat on the bed and flopped onto her back, after putting Danny to sleep. Logan had put Lena to sleep and was changing into sweatpants and a tshirt, which Rory had done pretty much as soon as Michelle Obama had left.

"Turn on your side, Ace" Logan reminded her

Rory groaned and turned onto her left side "I wanna know who made that rule"

"That you shouldn't lay on your back when you're pregnant?"

"Yeah, who's idea was it? They need to be punched in the face"

"You're gonna punch biology in the face?"

"You know what I mean. I love the kids and I love peanut, but pregnancy is uncomfortable, and my feet hurt, and my back hurts, and I wanna cry all the time"

Logan walked over to the bedroom door and locked it "take your shirt off" he said before walking into the bathroom


Logan walked out of the bathroom with a bottle of lotion. "Take your shirt off" he repeated

"You don't have to"

Logan just held out a hand for Rory and helped her sit up. She took her shirt off and Logan gently laid her back down onto her side. He put a little bit of lotion on his hands.

"Where?" He asked, softly

"You really don't have to"


She reached behind her and put her hand over her lower back. Logan started to gently massage her back and soon felt her body relax

"You are...amazing" Logan said, a little while later, still massaging her back "and I love you. And you're doing this incredible thing. So you can bet that if there's something I can do to make you even I little bit more comfortable I'm gonna do it"

"Thank you"

"You don't need to thank me"

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