Let's Get Started

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"Where are you going?" Logan asked when Rory got out of bed in the middle of the night

"Oh, sorry. I was trying not to wake you"

"That's ok. Where are you going?"


"It's 2 in the morning"

"I know"

"You're weird when you're pregnant"

"I'm weird when I'm not pregnant"

"Well pregnancy has amplified your weirdness"

"Well, I didn't knock myself up"

"I'll admit that I had a part it in"

"God, I'm tired of being pregnant"

"You've only got 4 weeks left, Ace"

Rory got back in bed

"I thought you wanted oranges"

"Not anymore"

Logan chuckled

"See this is what I mean. Who wakes up at 2am wanting oranges only to not want them anymore? It's crazy"

"It's hormones" Logan said

"Well, hormones are crazy"

"Go to sleep" Logan kissed her cheek


"Joel needs you to sign this" someone said handing Logan papers as he walked down the hallway

"Thank you" Logan took the papers and continued walking

"Mr Huntzberger!" Someone called out, getting Logan's attention


"Mr Walter is asking if you have the papers signed"

"Not yet" Logan said "I'll give them to him later. Please tell everyone that I'm about to get on a very important call and unless it's my wife, nobody bother me"

"Why would your wife be here?"

"Exactly. Nobody bother me"

About an hour later Logan was still on the phone.

"That's ridiculous! You can't possibly expect us to agree to that!" Logan shouted into the phone "I'm sorry, but-" Logan was interrupted by his office door opening. "Bill, can you hold on for just one moment?" He turned his attention to the person at the door "Ned,what part of don't bother me didn't you understand?"

"I'm sorry, but I have your wife on the phone. She says she needs to talk to you, it's an emergency"

"Bill, I'm gonna need to call you back" Logan hung up "what line is Rory on?"


"Thank you" Logan said and Ned left and closed the door "Ace? What's wrong?" Logan asked, putting the phone to his ear "are you serious?!" ....... "No. Of course I know you wouldn't joke about that." ..... "are you ok?" ..... "I'll be there in 10 minutes" Logan hung up.

He grabbed his things and ran out of his office.

"Ace?!" He called out when he got home

"Living room!"

Logan walked into the living room where Rory was sitting on the couch

"Are you ok?"

Rory nodded

"And you're sure that you're in labor?"

"No. I mean, I'm pretty sure that I am but I've never been in labor before. I have nothing to compare it to"

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