
247 10 1

July 1st- 30 weeks

"Alright, Daniel" Rory said to her high school intern

"Yes?" Daniel asked

"You've been here for 2 weeks. You're doing great. I'm gonna give you a more important job than just bringing things from place to place, if you think you can handle it"

"I can handle it"

"Ok" Rory showed him to a computer "you have 6 articles here. One at a time your gonna read it, make sure it's all grammatically correct, then you're gonna read it again, and check the spelling on every single word, that part you do 3 times. After that you check that all the punctuation is right"

"And then?" Daniel asked

"Then you do the next one" Rory told him "and that my friend is how you proof an article"

Daniel got a worried look on his face

"These will be printed however I leave them?"

"No" Rory said "after you they'll go through me and about 4 other people."

"Mrs. Huntzberger?" Another intern poked her head into the conference room where Rory has set everything up for Daniel

"Yeah, Linda?"

"There's a call for you" Linda said

"I'll be right there" Rory said "Daniel, you ok here?"

"Yes ma'am"

"Alright, then I'll leave you to it" she left the room and went to take the call "Rory Huntzberger" she said when she put the phone to her ear

"It's me, Ace"

"I told you, I'm fine"

"You had contractions last night"

"Braxton hicks are not real contractions"

"But they are still painful"

"And normal"

" promise you're taking it easy?"

"I'm sitting down as we speak"

"Not just physically. Don't stress yourself out, please"

"I'm taking it easy, I promise"


Rory heard someone call out for Logan on the other end and then a lot of yelling.

"Ace, I gotta go"

"Everything ok?"

"Hopefully." Logan sighed "I'll see you tonight"

"Love you"

"Love you too, Ace" Logan said and hung up "guys!" He shouted, getting everyone's attention "will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"

6 different people started shouting

"One!" Logan said "one" he pointed to the one person who hadn't been shouting

"Me?" Bethany asked and Logan nodded "look" she walked over to him and showed him what was on her tablet

"Shit!" Logan groaned "how the hell did this happen?"

Nobody answered

"Somebody caused this. Who?" Logan asked

Again, there's was silence

"Look" Logan sighed "nobody's fired, nobody's in trouble, mistakes happen, but in order to fix it I need to know exactly how it happened, so whoever did it, speak up"

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