
342 8 1

October 2011

"Logan!" Rory shouted from Lena's room


"Where's the baby thermometer?"

Logan's came into Lena's room "why do you need the baby thermometer?"

"She feels warm"

"What do you mean by warm?"

"I don't know. Her skin feels hot, and she won't settle down"

"Give her to me" Logan took Lena from Rory "wow, she is warm"

"I know"

"Thermometer is in the kitchen drawer"

"I'll go get it" Rory went downstairs and came back up a few minutes later with a thermometer "here"

"She definitely has a fever" Logan sighed

"What do we do?"

"I have no idea. She's never been sick before"

Lena reached for Rory

"Come here, baby" Rory took Lena from Logan and kissed her forehead "Logan, she's really warm"

"I'll call the pediatrician" Logan went downstairs

A little while later Rory was sitting on the rocking chair with Lena laying on her chest.

"The doctor said to try giving her a bath" Logan said, walking back into the room

"Ok" Rory stood up and Lena started crying

"Give her to me" Logan said


"You're stressed. Let me give her a bath and you can take a few minutes to collect yourself"

Rory nodded and Logan took Lena from her.

A little while later Rory was sitting at the kitchen table staring at a cup of coffee when Logan came downstairs, sat next to her and put the baby monitor on the table.

"She's sleeping" Logan sighed

"Is she still warm?"

"Yeah, but the doctor said not to worry about it unless it goes over 102"

"Ok" Rory sighed

"You gonna drink that?"

Rory got up and started walking upstairs

"Where are you going?" Logan asked

"To check on Lena"

"I was just up there"

Rory didn't answer. She walked into hers and Logan's room and sat on the edge of the bed, next to Lena's crib.

"Ace" Logan sat next to her and put his arm around her "she's fine"

"She's not fine"

"She is, but I made her a doctors appointment for tomorrow morning"



"I hate flu season!" Rory said when they got back from the doctor the next day

"I know"

"She doesn't go anywhere. How the hell did she get the flu?"

"It happens" Logan rubbed her back "babies get sick, and then they get better"

Later that morning Logan was in the office working, Rory was sitting on the couch, reading and Lena was sleeping upstairs.

Rory heard crying over the baby monitor and headed upstairs to get Lena

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