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October 14th

"Hey!" Rory smiled as she opened the door for Honor, Violet, and Rosie "come on in"

"Thanks" Honor said "and thanks again for watching them this weekend"

"Are you kidding? Go enjoy Paris. Besides, Lena's been talking about her 'cousin sleepover' nonstop"

"Whatever happened with that kid?" Honor asked once her kids were out of earshot

Rory looked around to make sure there were no kids around "the little asshole won't leave her alone so we're probably gonna put her in a different class"

"Why don't you just put her in first grade?"

"Um...she's 5 years old"

"And really smart" Honor said "Is she even learning anything in kindergarten?"

"What do you mean?"

"She can read. She can write. She can do basic math. And didn't her teacher bring it up a little while back?"

"Aunt Rory!" Violet can running into the kitchen where Rory and Honor were talking

"What's up?" Rory asked

"Can we watch the chocolate movie, tonight?"


"Thank you!"


That night after watching Willy Wonka Logan and Rory put their kids and Honor's to sleep. They were laying in bed. Logan's arm around Rory, holding her close. Her head was resting on his shoulder and her arm across his chest.

"Should we put Lena in first grade?" Rory asked

"I thought you didn't want to"

"I didn't...but Honor made a good point earlier" Rory said "she's reading and writing, probably closer to a second grade level and we're moving her to a different class anyway"

"I'm definitely on board with looking into it"

"I'm just worried about her being so much younger. She's already on the younger side without us bumping her up a year"

"We'll go, check out the class, talk to the teacher, talk to Lena, and then we can make a decision"

"As long as she's not in her current class anymore. That teacher is an idiot"

"Ace, come on"

"You're not just as pissed as I am?"

"I am, she handled it badly, but that doesn't make her an idiot"

"I still think she's an idiot"

"On a happier note, I picked something up today"


"Now, I know that it hasn't even crossed your mind, considering how crazy the last few months have been, but I did get something made" Logan got out of bed and walked over to the dresser "it was never gonna be ready by the time she was born but it's extra late since she was born early" Logan came back to bed but started sitting up "this is for you" He handed Rory a necklace box


"You can't only wear 2 of their names around your neck. You needed an upgrade"

Rory opened the box

AN: the order of the names- 'Lena' 'Daniel' 'Sophie'

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AN: the order of the names- 'Lena' 'Daniel' 'Sophie'

"It's beautiful, Logan. Thank you" she kissed him

"My pleasure" he smiled "turn around"

Rory turned around and Logan took her old necklace off, making sure to put it somewhere safe, and then put the new one on her before gently kissing her neck.

"I love it" Rory said looking at the necklace "and I love you"

"I love you, more" He said and kissed her

Rory gasped "You do not!"

"Is that a challenge? Because I can show you just how much I love you" He teased and kissed her deeply

"As much as I'd like that" Rory said, between kisses "there's a baby in room"

"She's sleeping" Logan said, kissing Rory's neck "besides, not 3 months ago she was much closer to the action than she is in that bassinet, across the room"

"Logan..." Rory exhaled

"Fine" Logan grabbed Rory's hand and pulled her out of bed "let's go"

"Where are we going?" Rory said and grabbed the baby monitor on their way out of the room

"We have a guest room" Logan said and kissed her as he led her to the spare room "let's use it"


A few days later everyone was sitting at the kitchen island eating breakfast. Violet and Lena helped Rory make the pancake batter.

"Alright" Rory set a plate of pancakes down on the island "that's the last of them" Rory and Logan cleaned up the counter while the kids ate. Rory loaded the dishwasher before putting her rings back on.

"Careful with the peanut butter, ok Violet?" Logan said

"I know" Violet said and moved the peanut butter a little further away from Lena

The doorbell rang

Logan opened the door for Josh

"Dad!" Violet exclaimed and ran to Josh, Rosie following behind

"Did you guys have a good sleepover?" Josh asked

"Yeah! Lena has cool toys" Violet said

"How about you, Rosie?"

"It was good" Rosie said

They said their goodbyes before josh and the girls left. That afternoon Rory and Logan were sitting on the couch, both just getting some work done. Rory had gonna back to work that week. Logan was also feeding Sophie.

"Daddy?" Lena appeared next to Logan

"What's up munchkin?"

"Can I play soccer?" Lena asked

Logan and Rory exchanged a surprised and confused look.

"Uh...sure" Logan said

"Thank you" Lena smiled and ran off

"You ever notice the difference in what she asks you versus what she asks me?" Rory said

"I do actually" Logan smiled "she might be smarter than we think"

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