A time Jump

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November 17th

"Mama!" Lena ran to Rory when she saw her turn the corner into her classroom

"Hi baby!" Rory crouched down and hugged Lena "how was your day?"

"We got to read a dinosaur book! And it was in French!"

"Wow, that's so great!" Rory smiled

"Are we going to get chicken nugget now?" Mama asked

"Yes, we are" Rory god Lena's backpack from her cubby and waved to her teacher before they headed downstairs to the baby room.

"Good evening, Mrs Huntzberger" The daycare worker said

"Hi Lisa" Rory smiled

"I'll go get Daniel for you" Lisa said before walking away

"Mama, it's raining" Lena pointed to the window

"Yes, it is"

"Is it cold outside?"

"Yes. We'll put your jacket on before we go out to the car, ok?"


"Here we are" Lisa came out of the room with Danny

"Ma ma ma ma" Daniel babbled and reached for Rory

"Hi nugget" Rory smiled and took Danny from Lisa

"Just so you know, he wouldn't eat his lunch so he's probably hungry" Lisa told her

"Ok, thank you"

"Have a good night"

"You too"


"Don't give him that" Rory said the next night night when Lorelai tried giving Daniel a carrot stick. She had come over to help Rory with the kids because Logan was on a business trip

"Why not? Carrots are healthy" Lorelai pouted

"Mom, he has 4 teeth. What's he gonna do with a carrot?"

"Nana's silly" Lena giggled

"Yes she is" Rory kiss Lena's forehead

"How was school, Lena?" Lorelai asked "do you have a lot of friends?"

"Peter is my friend" Lena told her "He used to live in Spain and he has a baby sister, her name is Penny"

"Does Peter know English?" Lorelai asked

Lena shook her head "mama?"

"Yeah baby?"

"When can I have a baby sister?"

Lorelai started laughing

"That's not helpful, mom"

"Who said I'm trying to be helpful?" Lorelai said, still laughing

"We can talk about that another time, Lena"


Later that night, after the kids were asleep Rory and Lorelai were sitting on the couch.

"So...baby sister?" Lorelai raised an eyebrow "where's that coming from?"

"Ugh Logan" Rory groaned


"Yeah, he has a sister. He's got sister having genes and now Lena wants a sister"

"Yeah, you never asked for a sister" Lorelai said "you asked for a pet mongoose once, but never a sister"

"A mongoose?" Rory asked

"you were the one asking for it, not me" Lorelai said, with a yawn

"Hey, you can go home if you want"

"No, I'll stay until Logan gets back"

"He won't be home for a couple more hours and the kids are asleep so it's fine. And even if they weren't asleep, I know how to take care of my kids"

"I know, but I don't like you being alone" Lorelai said

"Suit yourself"

A few hours later Rory and lorelai were sitting under a blanket on the couch, watching a horror movie.

"He's about to get murdered" Lorelai said "I'm calling it"

"Who's about to get murdered?" Logan asked from behind them, causing both women to jump.

"God!" Lorelai groaned

"You're an ass!" Rory said and smacked his arm

"I haven't seen you in 5 days, and that's how you greet me?"

"When you give me a heart attack? Yes"

"I'm sorry"

"Yeah, you're gonna be, because I'm gonna get you back" Rory smiled "you not gonna know when it's coming, but it's coming. And it's gonna be good. I'm gonna get you so bad that you-"

"Would you shut up, so I can kiss you?" Logan interrupted her "hi" he leaned over the back of the couch to kiss her

"Hi" Rory smiled "how was it?"

"Boring" Logan said as he sat down next to Rory's and wrapped his arm around her, allowing her to snuggle into him. "Hey, do I need a suit for the awards this weekend?"

"Yep, suit and tie" Rory said

"Are you excited?" Lorelai asked

"I'm excited to be done with these stupid awards so that my life can go back to normal" Rory said

"Yeah, and besides you two have some work to do" Lorelai said

"What?" Logan asked

"Ignore her" Rory said "she's insane"

"Lena wants a baby sister" Lorelai said

"I know..." Logan chuckled


The next several weeks went by quickly. Rory won another award for her book. They had thanksgiving and Christmas with the Gilmores and celebrated Danny's first birthday.

AN: jumping a year ahead- January 2016. Lena would be around 4 and a half and Danny would be 2

Rory and Logan were sitting on the couch one Saturday, watching Lena and Daniel play when there was a knock at the door.

"You expecting anyone?" Logan asked as he stood up to go get the door

Rory shook her head

"Christopher" Logan said, surprised when he opened the door to see Rory's father standing there

"Hi Logan. Sorry to come by unannounced" Chris apologized

"Don't worry about it. Come on in, everyone's in the living room. Can I get you anything?"

"I'm ok, thanks" Christopher said.

"Dad?" Rory asked, confused when she saw Chris walk into the living room "what are you doing here?"

"I have something to tell you"

"I'm listening"

"Remember Laura?" Chris asked

"Your girlfriend for the past 3 years? Yes I remember Laura"

"Well, I asked her to marry me and she said yes"

"Oh, dad that's great!" Rory stood up and hugged him "congratulations"

"Thank you"

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