Summer 2028

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June 13th

"What are you doing?" Logan asked when he walked into the living room to see Rory sitting with her laptop, resting her head on her hands

"Suffering" she mumbled

"What?" Logan asked, confused

Rory turned her laptop around "my baby's going to college"

"She'll be ok?" He rubbed her back

"She's so young" Rory groaned and put her head back down

"What's wrong with mom?" Sophie asked, walking into the kitchen

"She's doing something for Lena's college" Logan said

"By the way, Logan, you need to sign those" Rory gestured to a stack of papers on the counter

"What is it?" Logan asked as he looked at the papers

"Top 2 are Daniel and Sophie's registration forms for school, next year. The rest are for Lena. Something about the dorms, a parental consent type thing because she's under 18, and something from the Duke university financial office. I already signed them all so scan them when you're done"



That evening after Daniel got home from his first baseball practice with his new team they were sitting at the dining room table, eating dinner.

"-and nobody could even hit the ball" Daniel said
"Coach had me pitch to this one kid 13 times before he actually hit it, and when he did hit it , it went backwards somehow"

"So, you're the best on the team?" Sophie asked

"Yeah but the best player on a sucky team doesn't mean anything" Daniel said

"You don't have to play on the school team" Logan said "if you want to play, but not on the school team, we can find a club team or something"

"Really?" Daniel asked

"Of course"

"I have a question..." Sophie said, hesitantly

"Shoot" Logan said

"Is it too late for me to start a sport?" Sophie asked, shyly

Everyone looked at her in shock

"Bethany told me that she was signing up for the swim team next year..." Sophie said when nobody else spoke "can I do it too?"

"I'm sorry, I think I just had a stroke" Daniel joked , earning an annoyed look from Logan

"If you want" Rory said

"It's swimming technically a sport?" Lena asked

"It's in the Olympics" Daniel shrugged "I think that makes it a sport"


July 24th

"What about this?" Lexie held up a pair of pants from Lena's closet

Lena glanced at her quickly "not coming"

"What? Why? They're so cute"

"Because when would I wear that at college?"

"When we go out places" Lexie said

"Where do you thing we're going?" Lena asked "do you know what a college freshman schedule looks like?"

Lexie just shrugged

"Mine, for example, will look something like wake up, eat, go to the gym, shower, go to classes, eat lunch, study, go to more classes, go to practice, and then it'll be like 11pm"

"Why the hell are you gonna be so busy?"

"Double major...decision 1 athlete...busy schedule"

"Double major?"

"Law and psychology" Lena said

"I think I might actually hate you" Lexie joked

"That's your right I guess" Lena shrugged

"What about Oliver?"

"That's the beauty of us being at the same school" Lena smiled "we'll actually have time to hang out together

Lexie giggled "right... 'hang out'"

"I'm 17" Lena reminded her "and so is Oliver"

"He'll be 18 in 2 months. That makes him an adult..."

"If that makes him an adult then it makes us doing anything illegal"

"Romeo and Juliet laws"

"This is a ridiculous conversation"


August 9th

Rory took Daniel to try out for a local baseball team

"So, you wanna join the team?" Coach Bennett asked

Daniel nodded

"What position do you play?"

"I'm a pitcher, sir"

"A good pitcher?"

"Yes sir"

"Show me" coach Bennett said and handed Daniel a baseball "Sam!" He called out to another kid who was sitting on a bench "you're up!"

An hour later they were back home

"How was it?" Logan asked

"I made the team" Daniel said, excitedly

"That's great!"


August 28th

Late one night Rory was sitting up in bed, looking at her laptop when Logan walked into the room

"Daniel and Sophie are both set to start school on Monday" she told him "Lena needs to be in North Carolina the Saturday after. My mom will stay with the younger ones so we can both go with her and make sure she gets settled in. All 3 have everything they need, except that Daniel needs a new baseball glove"

"I'll take care of that" Logan said as he got in bed next to her "I will also take care of this" He took her laptop and put it on the bedside table


"It's late. You've been working nonstop for 3 weeks. You need a break. You need to relax"

"When have you ever known me to be able to relax when this much is going on?"

Logan leaned over and kissed her lips lightly before kissing her neck

"What are you doing?" Rory asked suspiciously

"Helping you relax" Logan said, still kissing her

"Right..." Rory chuckled "that won't work forever, you know"

"It's worked for 20 years, Ace"


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