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The summer went by quickly. Logan and Rory had been very busy between work and the kids. Rory's book was doing very well and had been on the New York Times bestseller list for several weeks. She had also done a few book signings.

September 8th 2014

Rory was in the kitchen making Lena's lunch for preschool and Logan was getting Lena and Danny dressed.

"Daddy?" Lena asked

"Yes munchkin?"

"What does chicken nugget think about?"

"I don't know" Logan said "he can't talk so he can't tell us"

"Do you think he likes dinosaurs?"


"Logan!" Rory called out from downstairs


"You're not gonna believe it!" She said as she ran up the stairs and into the bathroom where Logan was helping Lena brush her teeth.


"I mean...I can't believe it." Rory paced around the bathroom "it's crazy! It's amazing! I'm shocked! It's just-"

"Ace" Logan interrupted her "what happened?"

"I'm a finalist for the Neustadt international prize for literature!"

"That's amazing!" He hugged her

"I can't believe it! I mean I knew people liked my book, but I didn't realize people liked it that much. I just...I can't believe it!"

"I can"

"How am I supposed to go to work now?" Rory said "I'm too excited. I won't be able to focus. Do I tell people? What if I tell people and then I don't win? That would be embarrassing"

"Ace, relax" he put his hands on her upper arms "this is a good thing. I'm proud of you"


"Yeah" he kissed her


September 12th

Friday night, Rory, Logan, Lena, Daniel,Lorelai and Luke all had dinner at the Gilmores. They were sitting in the living room having drinks.

"And what about you, Lena? What's new with you?" Richard asked 

"Mama's getting a prize!" Lena said, excitedly

"Shh" Logan put his hand over Lena's mouth

"What did she just say?" Emily asked

"Nothing!" Rory said quickly "mom, how's the inn?"

"No" Lorelai shook her head "what prize are you getting

"I'm not getting anything" Rory sighed "I'm a finalist. That's it. It's no big deal"

"A finalist for what?" Richard asked

"Just some literature prize" Rory shrugged "it's really no big deal"

"You winning a prize for your book is not 'no big deal'!" Emily said "which prize is it?"

"The Neustadt international prize for literature" Rory said hesitantly

"In Oklahoma?" Richard asked

Rory nodded

"That's a very prestigious award! It's a 50,000 dollar prize!" Richard said

"Rory!" Lorelai exclaimed "on what planet is winning a 50,000 dollar prize not a big deal?!"

"The planet where I'm not gonna win, so it doesn't matter" Rory said

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