Chicken Nugget

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December 25th 2013- 12:48am

Rory laid down and put her face in front of Logan's, just a few inches away.

"You want a Christmas baby?" She whispered

Logan's eyes opened wide "are you serious?!"

Rory nodded

"Oh, my god" Logan sat up and glanced over to where Lena was sleeping, snuggled up with the Dinosaur plushie that April gave her. "Um...are you ok? what do we do? We can't take her with us"

"Relax" Rory put her hands on his shoulders

"This was a lot less stressful last time"

"Just call my mom" Rory said, calmly

"Right. Ok"

Logan called Lorelai and 15 minutes later there was a soft knock at the door. Logan got up and opened the door

"Christmas baby!" Lorelai whispered and threw her arms up

"Not the time, mom" Rory said

"Right. Are you ok? Are you in pain?" Lorelai asked "wait, what's am I saying? You're in labor. Of course you're in pain"


"Right sorry" Lorelai said "you guys go. I'll stay here with Lena and just bring her to my place when she wakes up"

"She's gonna be upset when she wakes up and we aren't here so FaceTime me if you need" Logan said

"And take her little elephant blanket with you. She likes it"


"And please make sure she eats some real food before you start giving her cookies" Rory added

"Don't worry. Luke will take care of that"

"Ok, thanks mom"

"Good luck"


"Ok" someone walked into Rory's hospital room "how are we-Rory?"


"What are you doing here?"

"Is it not obvious?"

"I meant in Connecticut"

"We're spending Christmas in Stars Hollow" Logan said

"Well, I was supposed to do your exam..." Paris said, awkwardly "maybe I'll get someone else"

"Probably a good idea"

Paris left the room

"Well, that was weird" Rory sighed

"Very" Logan chuckled

"Mmm" Rory groaned and squeezed Logan's hand

"Breathe, Ace" Logan said and rubbed her shoulder

Rory took a deep breath

"You know, I forgot how much this part sucks"

"You're doing great"

"All you remember is how cute and cuddly the baby is, not how much pain you have to endure before you actually get the baby"


"Can i come in?" Paris asked from outside the door a little while later

"Come on in paris" Rory said

"I just came to check on you"

"You didn't have to"

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