The Van Gerbigs

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"Hey Ace?" Logan called out from the bathroom as get got ready for the day


"The life and death brigade is having an alumni event tonight and seeing as we are alumni I was wondering if you wanted to go"

"That could be fun" Rory said "let me just make sure someone can watch Lena"

"I already asked your mom" Logan said, walking out of the bathroom and wrapping his arms around Rory's waist

"Thank you" she kissed him

"Dada" Lena reached for Logan from her spot on the rug

"I love when she says that" Logan smiled and picked Lena up

"Me too"

"Come on, we're gonna be late" Logan grabbed Lena's diaper bag on their way out of the room

The made their way over to Luke's to have breakfast with Lane, Zach and their kids

"Boys!" Zach said, sternly to Steve and Kwan who were fighting "cut it out"

"So...a Pulitzer" Lane said

"Yeah" Rory smiled

"That's crazy" Lane said "not that you're successful, nobody doubted you there. But a Pulitzer is like...the biggest achievement"

"I know"

"You could get a job at any newspaper you want"

"Actually, I've gotten a few offers" Rory said

"You have?" Logan asked

Rory nodded

"Sorry" Lane said "didn't mean to open up a can of worms"

"That's ok" Rory assured her "um...I got a call this morning from someone at the Chicago tribune offering me a job. And also the uh...the New York Times and the Washington post"

"You gonna take any of them?" Lane asked

"I have a job" Rory said

"What will everyone gave to eat?" Luke asked, walking up to them

"Pancakes!" Both Steve and Kwan said, excitedly

"Eggs for me, thanks" Lane said

"Same here" Zach said "and pancakes for Charlotte too, please"

"Rory, Logan?" Luke asked

"I'll have a bagel please" Logan said

"French toast for me Lena" Rory said

"French toast is dairy" Luke told her

"Then scrambled eggs for her, thanks"

"Coming up"

"Rory!" Emily came bursting through the door Logan to take her hand. "I apologize I don't mean to interrupt your meal., but I need to speak with you."

Rory looked at Logan who squeezed her hands before she got up and walked out of the diner with Emily.

"What's up grandma?" Rory asked not liking Emily in the eyes

"I wanted to apologize...for the other night" Emily said "I shouldn't have pushed"

"It's ok"

"No. It's not. You made it very clear you didn't want to talk about it and I pushed you. I'm sorry"

"Really, it's fine"

"I know that you don't want to tell me, and that's fine, but if you ever change your mind I'd be happy to listen"

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