January 2012

253 8 1

"Good morning" Logan kissed Rory's shoulder as they laid in bed, early one morning

"Morning" Rory smiled

"How'd you sleep?" Logan asked, knowing that that Rory had woken up in the middle of the night from a nightmare


"You wanna talk about it?"

Rory shook her head and Logan hugged her tight

"Then we don't have to" he kissed her head

There was a knock at the door

"Who the hell-?" Rory asked "It's 7am"

"Huntzbergers!" They heard a familiar voice yell from outside

"Is that?" Rory asked

"Yeah..." Logan got out of bed "I'll be right back" Logan headed down the stairs and opened the door "what are you guys doing here?"

"I need to talk to Rory" Stephanie said

"You guys flew all the way to California to talk to Rory?"

"And to see you guys" Colin said

"Rory's still in bed." Logan said

"No she's not" Rory said, coming down the stairs "what are you guys doing here?"

"Come with me" Stephanie grabbed Rory's hand and dragged her back upstairs and into her room

"Lena's sleeping" Rory whispered

"I'm pregnant" Stephanie blurted out

Rory took Stephanie's hand and led her into the other room. They stood there in silence for a minute.

"Are you gonna say anything?" Stephanie asked

"I um...wow! do you?...when?...are you?"

"Can you pick one question and ask the whole thing?" Stephanie chuckled nervously

"Um...wow! I mean...are you happy about it?"


"That's great! Congratulations!" She hugged her

"Thank you"

Lena started fussing

"A glimpse of your future" Rory joked and headed into her room to get Lena, Stephanie following behind her "hi baby" Rory said, sweetly, taking Lena out of her crib

"Oh, my god" Stephanie chuckled "she's like a mini Rory"

"What? No she's not"

"Have you seen her?"

"No, this is my first time looking at her"

"She's your twin"

"Whatever you say" Rory said and started walking downstairs

"Hey!" Logan smiled, and took Lena from Rory "good morning, munchkin" He kissed Lena cheek

"Hi Colin" Rory hugged him "congratulations"

"Thank you"

"What?" Logan asked

"I'm pregnant" Stephanie said

"Wow! That's great!" Logan hugged Stephanie

"That's not all" Colin said


"We're moving to San Jose" Stephanie said

"My company is being relocated" Colin added

"That's great" Rory said

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