December 2011

270 7 1

"Make sure you pack her warm clothes" Rory said as Logan was packing Lena's stuff to go to Stars Hollow for Christmas "It's freezing in Connecticut"

"I know. Make sure you pack your meds"

"Already done, but just for the record I'm an adult and can remember my meds without you reminding me"

"I'm still gonna remind you" Logan zipped up the bag "Hey, did you tell your mom what's been going on with you?"


"Can I ask why not?"

"She'd only worry"

"You don't think she needs to know?"

"I don't know" Rory sighed

"It's up to you, Ace" He kissed her forehead

"I'll think about it...on another note, how fun is it that we get to bring Hershey this time?"

"It's great"

"Yeah, I think she and Paul Anka will get along"

"Based on what?" Logan chuckled

"I don't know" Rory shrugged

"Finish packing. We have to leave soon." He kissed her

"Don't forget we're picking up April"


"Hello?" Rory called out when she, Logan and April walked into Luke and Lorelai's house. Logan holding Lena and Rory had Hershey's leash. 

"Are you here?!" Lorelai shouted from upstairs

"No, we're really far away, yelling really loud" Rory joked

"Hey, you've used that one before" Lorelai came down the stairs "hi" she hugged everyone "how was your flight?"

"It was good" Logan said

"Lena poured water all over Logan" Rory giggled

"How'd she manage that?" Lorelai asked

"I have no idea" Rory said "lately she's just been grabbing everything she can reach. She was on my lap and Logan had a cup of water on that little tray thing and she grabbed it and it spilled all over him. It was actually really funny"

"It was not funny" Logan said

"Can I let her go?" Rory asked

"Hershey?" Lorelai asked


"Of course"

Rory unclipped Hershey's leash and Hershey went running into the house.

"Where's my dad?"

"He's at the diner"

"Ooh, let's go to Luke's" Rory said "I need coffee"


"Dad!" April said when she, Rory, Logan and Lorelai walked into the diner

"April!" Luke came over and hugged her "hi Rory. Logan"

"Hi Luke"

"Oh, my god! The baby's here!" Babette jumped up and ran to Rory, who was holding Lena

"Hi Babette"

"She's getting so big"

"I know, it's crazy"

"By the way, I read your book. Who knew you could write like that"

"You liked it?"

"It was amazing!"

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