Wedding Things

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Logan was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading a newspaper when Rory came running in

"Woah, Ace, where's the fire?"


"What's going on? Why are you running around like you're being chased by a chainsaw bear?"

"I'm not ready. It's my first day at the chronicle and I- what the hell is a chainsaw bear?"

"A bear with a chainsaw"

"That's...really weird"

"But it stopped your freak out" Logan stood up and put his hands on Rory's shoulders

"I guess so" Rory took a deep breath

"Hey" he said softly "you're gonna be great. You're the best writer I've ever seen"

"You're biased"

"Am not"

"Logan this..." Rory held up her left hand "means that you're biased"

Logan kissed her

"Biased or not, you're still amazing and you're still gonna be great"

"I have to leave"

"I'll see you later" he kissed her forehead "I love you"

"I love you too. Bye"


"Logan?" Rory called out when she got home that night


Rory walked into the office where Logan was working

"Hi" she leaned down and kissed him

"Hi, Ace. How was your first day?"

"It was amazing. The building's great. The people are great. The editors are great. Everything's great"

"Great" Logan chuckled

"So, uh...what's that amazing smell?"

"I made dinner"

"You did?"

"I did" Logan stood up and led Rory to the kitchen "meatloaf, Mac and cheese, salad and those dinner rolls you like"

"Look at us" Rory smiled


"Go to work, come home, eat a real, home cooked dinner, we're the pictures of domesticity"

"Come on, let's eat" Logan chuckled


6 months later... March 2008

Saturday afternoon, Rory, Logan, Finn, Colin, Stephanie, Robert, Juliet and Rosemary were at Rory and Logan's house, sitting by the pool

"So, Rory, how are you liking the chronicle?" Colin asked

"It's great" Rory said "I've been getting more and more of my pieces printed lately

"And how about the wedding?" Rosemary asked "did you start planning?"

"Not yet" Logan said, giving Rory a look

"What was that look?" Stephanie asked

"He wants to start planning the wedding" Rory said

"But you don't?" Finn asked

"I do, it's just that-" Rory said

"You don't know where to start, so you're avoiding it?" Juliet asked

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