
386 11 1

2 weeks after the accident...

"How was it?" Lorelai asked when Logan and Rory got back from the hospital

"I officially have no stitches in my body" Rory said, excitedly

"That's great!"

"And I'm no longer on bed rest. I still can't use my arm though"

"But you're gonna start physical therapy in a week" Logan reminded her

"Yes I am" Rory said "Mom, we really appreciate that you're here, helping and taking care of us but you have to get back to your life"

"Are you sure? I don't mind staying if you still need help"

"We're fine and you have a business to run" Rory said

"If you need anything just call and I'll come back"

"We won't need anything"


"Ok grandma" Rory said into the phone "yes, I promise. Sometime soon......ok, bye" she hung up "my grandparents want to see us"

"They want us to go there?"

"Or they'll come here, either way"

"Ok" Logan said "by the way..."


"Tomorrow is 11 weeks" He wrapped his arm around her, being careful not to hurt her and put his hand on her stomach



"Oh, my god, I've been so distracted lately. How didn't I realize that it's 11 weeks?"

"Like you said, you've been distracted" Logan said "but since you're back on your feet, I thought you might wanna go shopping"

"You wanna go shopping?" Rory raised an eyebrow

"For baby things"

"Really?" Rory asked excitedly

"Is that a yes?" Logan chuckled

"Of course it's a yes"

"Good, we can go tomorrow if you feel up to it"

"I'll feel up to it"

"You don't know that"

"I'll feel up to it"

"Ace, you been puking every day for 6 weeks"

"I didn't puke when I was in the hospital"

"That's because when you were in the hospital you were asleep and on pain and nausea medication"

"I'll feel up to it" Rory said, again

Logan chuckled, softly "whatever you say, Ace" he kissed her head and held her as tight as he could without causing her pain and she snuggled into him


"Logan!" Rory called out from the bedroom to Logan who was downstairs, the next morning

"You need help?"


Logan came into the room.

"What the hell?" He chuckled when he saw Rory who had a short halfway on and halfway tangled in her sling

"I thought I could do it myself"

"Yeah, I can see that" Logan laughed

"Are you gonna help me or not?"

"I am"

"Thank you"

"Your ribs look better by the way"

"I know, right? Much less purple"

"Much less purple" Logan chuckled


"I like this one" Rory said, pointing to a car seat  "it seems safe"

"Ok, we need 2 though"

"Oh, my god! You don't have a car! We need to replace your car!"

"The company is handling it, Ace. Don't worry" Logan rubbed her good shoulder "so we've got car seats, a stroller, and one of those bassinet things for our room and one for downstairs. What else do we need?"

"I don't know. There's only so much we can get before we know the sex"


"Haven't decided yet"

"Ok...are we done then?"

"I think so"

Later that day Rory was sitting on the bed watching Logan, who was sitting on the floor trying to put a bassinet together.

"Do you need help?" Rory asked


"You look like you need help"

"Who's idea was it to do this when we each only have one fully functioning arm?"


"And why do we need 2 of these things?"

"You wanna have a place to put the baby down when we're downstairs, don't you?"

"How do you think of this stuff? I never would've thought of that"

"Yale educated, baby"

"You do know that I went to Yale too, right?"

"Yeah, but I actually cared"

"Ok" Logan threw the screwdriver he had been using on the floor "this is gonna have to wait until I have my hand back"



"You lasted longer than I thought you would"

"You were rooting for me to fail?"

"I'm never rooting for you to fail but come on, you've got one left hand, and you're a righty. Plus you wouldn't let me help"

"There are so many reasons you shouldn't help"

"Name one?"

"How many times did you throw up today?"

"Point taken"

"And are you dizzy right now?"

"Ok, I get it"


"Logan" she interrupted him "I get it"

"Good" He sat down next to her "this" He put his hand on her stomach "this is your job. My job is to put stuff together and take care of you so that you can do your job. If you wanna help with that you can sit in a chair and be the director"

"It's weird"

"What's weird?"

"This. Being pregnant"

"I'm not following"

"It's like, I know that I'm pregnant, but I don't feel pregnant"

"Vomiting 3 times a day isn't enough for you to feel pregnant?"

"That's not what I meant. I don't know how to explain it"

Logan gently wrapped his arm around Rory and kissed her head. Rory rested her head on Logan's shoulder

"You still ok with it being just the 2 of us for Christmas?" Logan asked

"Definitely. I don't think we need any more excitement in our life right now"


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