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November 5th

Friday afternoon the whole family was at Sophie's violin recital.

"Where does she get that from?" Lena whispered as they watched Sophie play

"Definitely not from me" Rory said

"Or me" Logan added

"She's really good" Daniel said

"She should be. She plays nonstop" Lena rolled her eyes

After the recital ended they waited outside of the auditorium for Sophie to come out

"There she is!" Logan exclaimed

"What'd you think?" Sophie asked eagerly

"You were great!" Rory hugged her and kissed the top of her head

"I liked it" Daniel said "and you know me, I usually think classical music is boring"

"It was amazing, peanut" Logan said "so amazing that I think we should get some celebratory ice cream. What do you guys think?"

"Yeah!" Daniel and Sophie cheered

"I can't, I have practice" Lena said "big game tomorrow"

"We'll bring some home for you" Rory said



"Alright, everybody gather around!" Coach Simmons called out at the end of Lena's soccer practice "we've beaten every team we've gone up against in the tournament and we've made it to the finals. Tomorrow we go against east Boston high. It's gonna be cold and it's gonna be raining, everybody will be wearing a thermal long sleeve shirt under their jersey, I don't need anyone getting sick. We're going there, it's a 4 hour bus ride. That means that if you forget anything your out of luck....don't forget anything. We get on the bus at 11am, don't be late. Any questions?"

Everybody shook their heads

"Good. Go home, get a good night's sleep, come tomorrow ready to win" she finished "oh, wait! One more thing" she stopped everyone from walking away to go home "I happen to know that there will be scouts from colleges with top soccer teams in the audience tomorrow. University of Vermont, Stanford, Syracuse, and Duke. Keep that in mind" she said "now you can go"

"Can I walk you to your car?" Oliver asked as he caught up with Lena who was headed to the parking lot and grabbed her hand

"Yes, thank you" Lena smiled "although, you do know it's not my car, right? It's my dad's"

"Minor detail" Oliver said "you nervous for tomorrow?"

"A little" Lena sighed "you?"

"Very" Oliver ran his other hand through his hair

"I've seen east Boston high play" Lena said "they don't stand a chance"

"Nobody does with you scoring the goals"

"Are you flirting with me?" Lena raised an eyebrow

"I might be" Oliver grinned

"I'll see you tomorrow" Lena said when they reached the car

"Bye" he kissed her quickly and she got in the car


The next day-

"Strike him out!" Logan yelled as Daniel was getting ready to throw the ball at his baseball game, Saturday morning 

"How does he throw so far?" Sophie asked after Daniel threw the ball

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