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AN: I'm gonna do a bunch of time skips

It's now May 2031 and Daniel is graduating high school as valedictorian.

"Mom, please don't cry" Daniel said

"I gave birth to you, I'm allowed to cry at your high school graduation"

Daniel looked at Lena.

"Don't look at me" Lena said "she cried at both of my graduations"

"Yes I did, and I'll cry at Sophie's too, and I'll cry at all of your weddings, and for everything else"

"Yeah, but why?" Sophie asked

"I don't really know how to explain it" Rory said "part of it is because I'm proud of you and part of it is because you're not babies anymore"

September 2031.

"Alright, you're ask moved in" Logan said after he and Rory helped move Daniel's stuff into his dorm room at Yale

"Thank you" Daniel said

"Just don't be like me in college" Logan joked

"I second that" Rory said as she hugged Daniel



Oliver had graduated from Duke and was joining Lena at Harvard law school.

"This is the last box" Logan said as he put a box down in the apartment where Lena and Oliver would live together while going to school.

"Thank you" Lena said

Rory and Logan stayed for a little while longer before heading home.

"You're being surprisingly calm about then living together" Rory said as they drove home

"That apartment has 2 bedrooms"

"Logan..." Rory chuckled "they're 20 and 22 years old. We were living together at that age"

"Yeah, but I don't wanna think about them being like we were, so as far as I'm concerned, they each have their own room"

"Whatever makes you happy"

February 2032

Logan was sitting in the waiting room of the orthodontist office, waiting for Sophie. He was doing some work on his phone when she walked out.

"Let's see 'em" Logan said

Sophie smiled, revealing her now braces free teeth.

"Beautiful" Logan said "you ready to go?"


20 minutes later they were home.

"Well?" Rory asked

"My mouth is metal free" Sophie smiled

"And your teeth are perfect" Rory chuckled

"They better be, otherwise 2 years of braces was not worth it"

"It was worth it" Logan said

"At least I won't be called 'metal mouth' anymore"

November 2032

Lena and Oliver were sitting in their apartment one evening after they were done with their classes for the day. They were sitting on the couch and Oliver had his arm around Lena, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder.

"Have you thought at all about what you wanna do next?" Oliver asked "this is your last year"

"I'll send job applications to a few law firms in the spring, and hopefully someone will hire me"

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