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October 28th-

Rory met Logan back at the hospital and they decided that they didn't want Lena going back to school until they could get her in a different class, whether it was another kindergarten class or first grade. So Lena was staying with Lorelai and Luke in Stars Hollow and since Daniel and Rosie went to the same preschool, Danny was staying with Honor and Josh.

It was late at night and the hospital was quiet. Rory was sitting in a chair blankly staring at Sophie.

"Here" Logan walked back into the room and gave Rory a cup of tea

"Where did you get this, in a hospital, at 11:40 at night?"

"Does it matter?"

"I guess not" Rory said and took a sip "thank you"

"Do you think we made the right decision? Not letting Lena go back to school?"

"I'd rather she miss some school, then be getting hurt every day" Rory said "she has a bite mark on her hand, Logan"

"I know"

"That's not ok"

"You're right"

"Sorry" a nurse said, walking into the room "just making sure everything's ok"

"Thanks" Logan said

October 29th-

"I'm gonna go bring some of Danny's stuff over to Honor's" Logan said "you want anything from home?"

"I'm ok" Rory said, not looking away from Sophie

"I'll be back soon" Logan kissed Rory's forehead before leaving

Rory was sitting in the corner of the room, just watching Sophie who was hooked up to a monitor, an IV, and oxygen. She hadn't slept at all the night before and was just starting to fall asleep when the monitor started beeping. Rory stood up and a bunch of doctors and nurses came running into the room.

"Ma'am, you need to leave" one nurse said

Rory was frozen

Another nurse came right up in front of her, blocking her view of Sophie "hey" she said, quietly "you can't be in here, right now"

Rory didn't say anything. She didn't even look at the nurse

"As long as you're in here, those people's full attention can't be on your baby" the nurse said "instead it's on the fact that they're working on a child while her mother is watching them"

Rory stayed quiet

"Come on" the nurse led Rory out of the room and to a row of chairs in the hallway where Rory started hyperventilating "no no no! Don't do that. She's gonna be fine"

"I can't, um..." Rory trailed off

The nurse waved over another nurse who brought over a paper bag

"It does help" the nurse said, noticing that Rory looked skeptical about the bag

Rory breathed into the bag until she calmed down a little and the panic turned to crying

"I'm sorry" Rory sniffled "I don't do least not in front of other people"

"It's ok" the nurse rubbed Rory's back "your baby is sick and struggling. It's normal to be overwhelmed"

"We were so careful" Rory rested her head in her hands "nobody touches her without washing their hands, we don't take her anywhere... we were so careful"

"You can go back in" someone told Rory

Meanwhile at Honor's house-

"Thanks again for doing this" Logan said

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