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"Ok, so I'm leaving here to get them in 10 minutes. Can you walk Hershey?" Rory said

"Sure. Do you want me to make dinner or do wanna order something?"

"Up to you" Rory set Lena down in the playpen that was in the living room.

"Meatloaf, Mac and cheese, and broccoli?"

"Sounds great. Ok, I gotta go"

"Drive safe and let me know when you get there"

"Always" she kissed him "bye"


"Rory!" Lorelai shouted when she, Luke and April walked out of the terminal "where's Lena?"

"Well, hello to you too, mother who I love"

"Hi Rory" Luke said

"Hi" April said

"Hi. Where's Lena?"

"She's at home"

"Why is she at home?"

"Why would I bring her?"

"I wanna see her"

"You're about to spend a week with her"

"But I wanted to see her now" Lorelai pouted

"So, April, are you excited to start college?" Rory asked, ignoring Lorelai

"So excited!" April said "I've never been this far from home before, though"

"You get used to it" Rory assured her

"But your dad never will" Lorelai said


"Hey, just a heads up before we go in, Lena might be sleeping so watch the volume" Rory said as they walked up to the house "Logan?" Rory called out when she opened the door

"Hey guys" Logan said, coming up to the door, holding Lena

Lorelai took Lena from Logan "hi Logan"

"Hi" Logan chuckled "do you guys need help with your stuff?"

"We got it, thanks" Luke said

"Where's Hershey?" April asked

"She's in Lena's room" Logan said

"Why?" April asked

"I don't know" Rory shrugged "she likes it in there"

"Hey, where's your ring?" Lorelai asked Logan

"I take it off when I cook"

"Why?" April asked

"A couple of months after we got married we were cooking and when I went to wash something my ring almost went down the drain" Rory said "since then we kinda made it a habit to take our rings off when we cook"

"That's smart" Luke said

"So, what'd you cook?"

"Meatloaf, Mac and cheese, and broccoli" Logan said "and Ace made rolls"

"You made rolls?!" Lorelai asked, surprised

"I can cook"

"Since when?"

"Since always. Just because Logan does most of the cooking doesn't mean I can't."

"How did I not know this?"

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