Swimming is Fun

105 6 3

Genre: Psychological

"Look, dad! I'm floating! Dad! Look at me Dad! Wow! I can float now dad! Haha!"

Swimming has been a family activity for us ever since. On sunny weekends we would go out to the beach and let our bodies be one with water, have fun and play around with each other. The good old days that I thought would go on forever.

"Dad, why aren't we swimming anymore? The weather's nice! Come on!"

A year has passed since our last swimming session. Every time I try to ask them why we aren't going to the beach anymore, they would avoid the topic or scold me for asking. So I just resorted to our bathtub. It's manageable, but it's nothing compared to the sea.

"Mom, it's my birthday and it's the weekend. Let's go to the beach!"

"No, we're staying here."

See? They won't let me go out to the beach anymore. They won't even let me join my friends swim. Why are they like this? Just because of one accident and they're scared to go to the beach?

"Jemma, look at me! I'm floating!"

"I wanna float too!"

"No, you won't."

Then suddenly Mom and Dad came rushing in to where me and Jemma were, and pried my tight grip on Jemma's neck. Jemma was still breathing, why would they stop me? I must be the only one who floats. I must be the only one who can do amazing things. I rushed to Jemma and continued to take her breath away. And I did.

Wow Dad! You and Mom are having a fired up "who-can-stay-on-the-water-the-longest-" contest! You can do it! Haha!

Sure Dad! I'll just swim here beside you. Oh? Is that more blood coming out from Mom? Nah, it'll be washed out of the drain later. Oh! You are pouring out more blood too! Haha! Amazing! After I have whacked your head a few times you still have some liquid to pour out.

You want to float too? I would've let you, but this tub won't hold us both, Dad. Just stick that contest with Mom. Wow! Mom's been in the water for four days now! Cool! Nice work Mom! You beat Dad!

Such a shame, Dad. You lost by only a day. Don't worry, we have all the time in the world to have more contests! And SWIM!

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