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Amelia's POV:

Today will finally be the day. I'm officially going to Los Angeles for a meeting. Yeah, you heard me correctly. I still can't believe it myself but it's happening.

After the whole night reorganizing my luggage my alarm finally goes off. It's currently 5am and I'm heading to the airport. While walking to my door I turn around one last time. I stop in my tracks and smile.

(Few days ago) My phone started ringing just as I was binge watching friends. Literally why now? This is the part they find out about R & R, ugh. Sighing I get up and grab my phone and press answer. I didn't look who was calling me I just assume it's one of my best friends. "Hello" I say while sitting back on my couch. "Good afternoon, is this Amelia speaking?" the masculine voice said. "Yes this is she. Whom am I speaking with?" I say slightly confused. I can't remember giving my phone number out or having an appointment. "This is Kevin Feige speaking I'm calling to discuss some work I received of you". Now I'm really confused. Kevin Feige is calling me? yes me? And what work is he talking about, I haven't send him work of mine or ever auditioned for something. "May I know what kind of work you received? I'm not sure if I'm the right Amelia Smith you're looking for." I say while standing up and pacing back and forth through my living room. "You're the Amelia Smith I'm looking for m'am. I received some of your audition tapes. Your friend send it to me when our applications were up for a new role in the upcoming marvel movie." Kevin says. My jaw dropped to the ground, literally. Who the fuck send audition tapes of me to him? Also what fucking tape, I haven't ever made one? Wait a minute...

"Are you still with me Amelia?." Kevin asks me since there's no reaction coming from me. I still need a minute to compose myself. Trust me this is amazing and a wonderful opportunity but my mind is freaking out. "I'm sorry sir you lost me for a second there. I never made an audition tape so I'm just a bit confused about the tape you're talking about." I say while grabbing a water bottle. I take a sip and sit back down. "Well your friend Victoria is the one who send in your application. You were acting an episode of Lucifer." Kevin says and I know now what he's talking about. I'm gonna kill her. She's so dead after this phone call. "Oh that tape.. Well sir you see that was just for fun. We were just messing around and we had a little drink now and then. I haven't ever acted in my life nor took classes. It was just some innocent playing around, I'm sorry." I stand back up grabbing my Ipad in meanwhile to text Vic. She better makes her ass move asap.

"Amelia, you're very talented and that with a few drinks. We are really interested in working with you. We wanna offer you to come to Los Angeles HQ next week so we can do some takes. If it's not working out consider yourself a little vacation. If it will work out we gladly wanna hire you for the next movie." Kevin says making me choke on my water. "Uhm well okay, but I really don't wanna waste your time. I can assume your very busy and I don't wanna bother. Like I said before I don't have any experience at all and also I'm not really sure what I need to do or expect." I say getting more nervous. "That won't be a problem. We really would like to work with you. We already have all your information for a visa and the plane tickets. All that left is you agreeing to coming and we will see from there what your choice is gonna be." Kevin tells you making you feel a bit better. "That's very nice of you sir. But I'm willing to pay for myself since it might not work out after all. I don't want to waste it if it won't work." I say while rubbing my neck feeling a bit of discomfort accepting this offer. "Nonsense we will pay and glady see you coming next week. Everything will be arranged you'll stay nearby and we have someone picking you up on the airport as well. We will discuss everything on location. After we made a decision we can talk further about the options from there, is this okay Amelia? Oh and also please call me Kevin. Sir makes me feel old." Kevin says laughing. "Okay then let's do it right? Is there anything you'll be needing from me as in information before the flight, Kevin?" I say smiling. "No everything will be arranged we got your information of Victoria. My assistant is gonna book everything once she did she'll send you all the details. The flight is probably gonna be in the 2 days so you can settle a bit before we have the meeting at HQ." Kevin says. I take a deep breath making sure Mr Feige won't hear. "Alright Si..Kevin, I'll be looking forward to meeting you. It's an honor I'm a big fan of your work." I say smiling. "Thank you Amelia. I'm also really looking forward to meet you. I've got to go now but we will meet soon. Sarah is gonna send you all the details. See you soon!" Kevin says. I reply smiling "See you soon Sir, thank you. Uh I mean Kevin, sorry." you say chuckling a bit. "It's alright well have a good evening left, sorry to call you at this time. We gotta love time difference don't we?." He says laughing. You both say bye and hang up.

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