31. The flower shop.

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The girls were in the car driving back home. Candice and Charlotte were in the front seat. Candice had music on full volume in her AirPods and couldn't hear a thing and Charlotte was in full focus and refused to talk to anyone while driving. Camille and Isobel were seated in the back.

"I spy with my little eye... something annoying" Isobel said as her face screwed up.

"Annoying? Hmm..." Camille went deep in thought as she observed the road.

"Is it the sun?!" Candice shouted out from the front seat.

"Don't shout! It's distracting!" Charlotte scoffed, "we could get into an accident"

"I thought she couldn't hear us" Isobel said about Candice. Camille shrugged.

"Is it the heat? It's getting pretty hot out" Camille suggested while wiping sweat off of her forehead.

"Nope. Not the sun, not the heat" Isobel grinned smugly.

"Then I give up" Camille sighed.

"Already?" Isobel chuckled, "okay. It was the kids in the park" she revealed.

"Seriously? Children? You think children are annoying?" Charlotte said from the front seat.

"No talking, Char. We could get into a serious accident" Isobel said sarcastically.

"IN THE HOLES OF MY SWEATER!" Candice cried out... or sang as she would probably call it...

"Candice!" Charlotte yelled.

"What? You're yelling too" Candice smirked and went back to singing but in a whispering tone this time.

"How can you think children are annoying?" Camille piped up again.

"They are. They're so hard to raise, all they do is cry, eat food, cry, play ball around the house, cry, waste your money and worse of all... THEY CRY!" Isobel poured her heart out.

"I don't know who you are anymore. Children are a blessing. You get to raise them, hug them, tell bed time stories to them..." Camille begun.

"Clean up their puke" Isobel chimed in.

"Sing to them, play cars or barbies with them..."

"Wipe their dirty butts"

"Teach them..."

"Be woken up by them a couple hundred times in the night" Isobel pointed.

"That's not fair. You don't mind it when we wake you up" Camille said.

"You guys wake me up for completely different reasons" Isobel smiled and made Camille role her eyes.

"Do you guys also think this way?" Camille turned to the other two.

"I'll admit they're a bit hard to raise, but I'd still want one" Charlotte said vaguely so she wouldn't get too distracted.

"And you?" She asked Candice, who didn't hear.



Camille sighed and leaned forward. She pulled out her earphone and yelled into her ear, "FREAKING LISTEN TO US DUDE!"

Candice jumped and pressed her palm on her ear, "ow! what'd you do that for?!"

"Do you like children or not?" Camille asked.

"Not" she said.

"Why?" Camille frowned.

"All they do is puke and cry and eat all your food, then puke again" Candice said. "We've had this conversation before. Can I go back to listening to music?"

"Guys, can we go to the flower shop real quick? I wanna buy new pots" Charlotte said, but she'd already turned the car on the road to the flower shop.

"Sure, we'll get to pet Charlie again" Isobel said and the other two agreed. Charlie was a cat that lived with the owner of the flower shop. He was a big chubby cat with big fluffy fur. The girls loved to pet him.


"Charlie!" Camille and Candice ran up to the cat sleeping peacefully on the checkout counter. Candice kneeled down and scratched his favorite spot behind the ear while Camille petted his neck. The shop owners, Neil and Cara, were both there and laughed.

"Aww my little attention hoe's getting what he wants" Cara laughed.

"I'm willing to work here as a cat petter" Candice said. "If you'd let me of course"

"You're welcome to stay here all day, Cenny. But we're not gonna pay you" Neil said through his mustache. Cara and Camille laughed while Candice frowned and carried on scratching the spot behind Charlie's ear.

Isobel and Charlotte had gone off to buy pots. They were checking out the ones with flower carvings on them. This flower shop was one of their favorite places in town. It was hard to find and not many people visited, but it was quite beautiful. There were shelves of flowers everywhere and it had a back garden where they grew all kinds of flowers. They had some seats as well. People who were familiar with this place sometimes even came to just enjoy the view and chat. The owners were friendly with everyone and almost every costumer loved Charlie.

After Charlotte finally managed to pick out a pot, the girl decided to leave, but not before giving Charlie kisses and cuddles. They went on to play games in the car and annoy Charlotte by their yelling. When they got back home, they were all feeling exhausted and after feeding all their pets, they made their way to Camille's room and all slumped down on her bed. They fell asleep in seconds. Caster and Buddy both came in and made themselves comfortable on Camille's bed. Both cats obviously smelling an intruder cat's sent on the girls. Luna came in soon after she had finished eating, she always ate the most food. She jumped up on the bed and snuggled between Charlotte and Camille. They slept the rest of the day and woke up around nighttime.

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