29. A fight.

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Camille was feeding Charlotte the third when she heard a screeching scream come from upstairs. She quickly ran up and saw Candice standing outside of Isobel's room. She walked up to her and tried to raise up on her toes to see what was going on since Candice was much taller and blocking the way. When she noticed, she moved out of the way for Camille to see. Turned out Charlotte was there as well as Isobel herself and based on their facial expressions Isobel had been the one to scream.

"What happened?" Camille whispered to Candice who was leaning onto the doorframe with her shoulder.

"They're fighting again" she shrugged.

Camille finally noticed the huge stain of paint splashed onto Isobel's wall. It was bright red and didn't at all match the room.

"Did Charlotte do that?" Camille asked.

"Technically no? Isobel was trying to take the paint bucket away from Charlotte when both their hands slipped and... well you see the rest" Candice explained and pointed at the red stain. Camille frowned and leaned her head onto Candice's arm.

"...I'm sorry" Charlotte suddenly said, taking Isobel back. Camille and Candice's faces both perked up.

"You are?" Isobel raised an eyebrow.

"Yes... and I'll repaint your walls. I promise. I'll start right after I go to the store and buy some paint. Tell me what color you want" she nodded. Camille smiled at the sudden change of atmosphere.

"Don't be silly. It was my fault too. I'll come with you and we can pick out some paints and brushes" Isobel offered.

"Yeah! Me and Candice will come too! It'll be so much fun! We can wear overalls and spend the whole day painting!" Camille cheered from the doorframe.

"Woah! No can do. I have a movie date with my pillow and I need to change into my pyjamas before I'm late" Candice said and started walking out. Camille held her hand.

"Not so fast, traitor. You're not going anywhere because we're turning this into a date" Camille said and Isobel agreed. Charlotte giggled a little when she saw Candice's reaction.

"Guess you're stuck with us, hun" Charlotte pointed.

"But the new episode of Perfect Roommates is coming out tonight" she whined and others laughed. Camille wrapped her arms around Candice's arm and gave her the puppy eyes. She could never say no to that.


As promised the girls went to the paint shop and got all the colors that Isobel couldn't choose between. Later they took some of the furniture out of the room and covered everything else that they couldn't fit out the door. They changed into more comfortable outfits and got to work. Five minutes later Charlotte and Isobel couldn't even remember what the fight was about.

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