Boxing Day Dip (Jade)

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The cold water sent a shock to your system. If you weren't awake before, you definitely were now.

You've done this every year, yet somehow you still haven't gotten use to the freezing temperatures of the North Sea.

You won't change a thing though, because every Boxing Day, you'll be running into that water to help raise money for charity.

Like now, you're emerging from the water soaking wet and freezing cold. You can feel your teeth chattering, and it's at that point you realize you forgot to bring a towel.

You mentally curse yourself and start praying that the heat will kick in fast once you get in the car.

While devising a plan to not freeze to death, you feel something being placed around your shoulders.

You quickly recognize the feeling as a blanket and look to see where it came from.

You turn around and come face to face with a Christmas tree, instantly making you laugh despite the cold.

"Did you go in the lake wearing that?"

"Yeah, I did. It's quite heavy with the water, but I wear a costume every year, so I'm not going to stop now," the girl within the tree said. "I'm Jade, by the way."

You instantly pick up on the Geordie accent, making you smile. "Well, thank you Jade. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"You'd probably freeze," Jade said with a laugh.

"Very true," you said smiling. "So how can I repay your kindness?"

"If you'd like, you can join me and my family. We're headed to dinner for my birthday."

"Well, happy birthday," you said with a smile. "And I'd love to."

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