Shy (Jesy)

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You leave the coffee shop, taking a sip of your iced coffee while putting your headphones in.

As you round the corner, on your way home, you collide with a body, spilling your drink. Before you can fall too, you feel hands holding you tight, keeping you steady.

"I'm so sorry, " you say, looking at the beautiful woman in front of you, who now had some of your coffee spilled on her.

"It's fine, " she said, sending you a smile that made your cheeks heat up. 

Hoping to keep her from seeing you blush, you looked to the ground, using your hair to shield your face.

"My eyes are up here, " Jesy said, lifting your head to meet her eyes. "You're too pretty to be staring at the ground."

You blushed even more and averted your gaze since Jesy was still holding your head in place. "Your cute when you're shy, " Jesy said with a laugh.

You looked back to Jesy and noticed her now ruined shirt. "Oh no. I'm so sorry. I can pay you for a new shirt," you said frantically, making Jesy laugh more.

"It's fine. This is an old shirt anyway," she said with a gentle smile.

You shook your head, still feeling guilty. "You have to let me make it up to you," you pleaded.

"How about you let me take you out and get to know you better. Maybe I'll get to see you blush more," Jesy said making you blush, which only caused her to smile victoriously.

"Alright then, " you said with a small smile. "I'd like that."

"Great! Now let's go. I believe I owe you another coffee," Jesy said, pulling you away down the street before you could protest.

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