Jealous Part 2 (Leigh)

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"Jesy, can I borrow some more of your clothes?" you yell out.

You've been staying with Jesy for the past few days. You haven't gone back to the house you and Leigh-Anne share for clothes since you're too stubborn and don't want to run into her.

"You know you should just go back. I know you miss her," Jesy said, entering the guest room you've been staying in.

You look away. You know she's right, and she knows that you know. "Jes, why hasn't she called yet?" you ask while tearing up.

She sits next to you and pulls you into a side hug. "You know she's just as stubborn as you are. But she still loves you."

You just nod and snuggle closer to Jesy. "How about you go take a shower and relax while I make something for us to eat, " Jesy says, letting you go.


Jesy gets up to leave, but you stop her before she can go. "Thank you, Jesy. For everything."

She just looks at you and smiles before leaving your room completely.

You grab one of Jesy's hoodies, not bothering to get pants since the hoodie looks like a dress on you. You head back to your room to shower with the hoodie in hand.

While you're showering, there's a knock at the door, and Jesy goes to answer it. Stood outside crying was Leigh-Anne. Seeing the tears on her face Jesy quickly pulls her inside and into a hug.

"Jesy, I screwed up. I let her go, and I don't know where she is, " Leigh said, sitting on the couch Jesy led them to.

"Have you tried calling her?" Jesy asked, already knowing the answer and making Leigh look down sheepishly.

"How about I go make us some tea while you call her?" Jesy suggested after hearing the water shut off upstairs.

Leigh agreed and grabbed her phone while Jesy left for the kitchen. She quickly dialed your number so she wouldn't have time to talk herself out of it.

After a few rings and a lot of anxiety on Leigh-Anne's part, you picked up. "Hey, Leigh."

"Y/N. I didn't think you'd pick up. I'm sorry."

"It's ok, " you said since you were honestly happy to hear her voice again.

"No, it's not ok. You were right. I should have known that there was nothing going on between you and Jesy. I let my own jealousy come between us, and that's on me. I was just scared of losing you."

"You could never lose me Leigh. I'm in love with you. I've already made up my mind and I want you and only you. No one else because you are my kind of perfect. You're stuck with me whether you like it or not," you said grinning.

"Well I love it. Where are you right now. I'm at Jesy's house and I need to find you and-."

"Wait you're at Jesy's," you said cutting her off. "Hold on."

You hung up confusing Leigh and made your way down stairs. "Hey," you said as you walked up to Leigh.

"Hey," she said standing up.

"I'm sorry," you both said at the same time causing you both to laugh.

"I should have told you where I was. I'm sorry for worrying you," you said.

"I'm sorry for everything. I never should have gotten jealous," Leigh said, taking a step closer to you.

You closed the small gap between you two and pressed your lips to hers. She quickly deepened the kiss and and you walled her back towards the couch.

"I'm glad you two are getting along again, but please save the makeup sex for your house. I just got this couch, " Jesy said entering with cups of tea.

You both pulled apart laughing and took a mug each from Jesy. "Thank you Jesy. From the both of us," you said snuggling into Leigh.

"No problem. There was no way I would let your stubbornness break this up, " Jesy said, gesturing to you and Leigh.

You and Leigh spent the rest of the day hanging out with Jesy having a movie marathon. You spent every movie snuggled up to Leigh-Anne, wanting to be nowhere else.

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