Kisses (Jade)

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You walked towards lunch, mentally preparing yourself to go through with your plan. You'd spent the last few weeks coming up with a way to tell your best friend how you feel.

Your plan had a built-in backup in case Jade didn't feel the same way, and as much as you hope she feels the same way, you can't help but plan for the worst.

As you walk into the room, you instantly spot the brunette-haired beauty that has held your heart for years. The smile that makes its way onto her face shines brighter than the sun, lighting up the room. Her captivating brown eyes that have you drowning if you stare too long.

"Y/N, are you ok?" You break from your thoughts to see that Jade is standing in front of you with a concerned face.

Recollecting yourself, you smile. "I'm good. I was just daydreaming."

Jade laughed, the sound being music to your ears that you would do anything to hear again. "What's got your attention then? What are you thinking about up there?" Jade lightly taps your forehead, sending sparks throughout your body at the slight contact.

"Just thinking about all the beauty the world has to offer, " you say. Jade hums in response as you two sit down next to each other at a lunch table. "So I've got a question for you."

"What is it?" Jade asked while turning to look at you.

You took a deep breath to calm your nerves. "Do you want a kiss?"

"What?" Jade asked, turning to you with a shocked face. Instantly assuming the worst, you hold out your hand, showing two Hershey's kisses.

You watch as a smile graces her face. "Oh. For a second, I thought you wanted to kiss me," Jade says, taking a chocolate from your hand.

You chuckle dryly as you eat your own Hershey's kiss, avoiding Jade's eye. "Because if you were, I would've said yes."

You nearly choke on your chocolate as you process Jade's words. "What?"

Before you can process her words, you feel a soft pair of lips on your own. The kiss is soft and the previous chocolates only amplify the sweetness.
Jade pulls back a second later, leaving you to chase her in hopes of another quick kiss.

"That was a stupid plan," Jade says with a small laugh.

"It still worked though."

"Whatever," Jade says, rolling her eyes, but she can't help the smile that comes after you lean over and kiss her again.

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