Sweet Tooth (Jade)

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A/N: You are the fifth member of Little Mix and you guys are on Ellen.

Jade POV:

"Welcome back and please join me in welcoming Little Mix, " Ellen said while motioning to us.

"Hi, " we all said in unison and harmony.

"Well, aren't you girls just in synch, " Ellen said while laughing.

"Now in case you didn't know, this is Leigh-Anne, Perrie, Jesy, Y/N, and Jade, " Ellen introduced us.

"Yes, " Perrie confirmed.

"So Jesy, tell me about your new song."

"Well, basically our new song, Not A Pop Song, is meat to highlight what makes us stand out. We also included some of the things that have happened or been said to us over the years."

"Yes, like your line about guilty pleasures."

"Exactly, " Leigh agreed.

"So tell me, what are your guilty pleasures."

"I would have to say Nando's. I spend way more money there than I should, " Jesy said, answering first.

"I'm going to have to agree with Jes. Way too much of my paycheck goes to them, " Leigh agreed.

"I can't decide, " Perrie whined.

"Well, of course not. You love all foods Pez, " Jesy said, gaining a laugh from the audience.

"Well, I would have to say biscuits," I said, answering next.

"Yeah, sometimes I think she loves them more than me, " Y/N said from next to me.

"What, that's not true, " I said, turning to her.

"Really. You're apart of a gold member's club. I can't even touch your stash."

"Woah Jade, you're a gold member. How many biscuits do you buy, " Ellen said, cutting off our debate.

I looked down at my lap, feeling the blush taking over my face.

"Well, Y/N once told me that she'd give up everything for a bag of candy, " Jesy said.

"Oh really, " I said, turning to my girlfriend, who was now blushing. "What would you do if I had a lollipop in my pocket right now?"

Her head turned to me so fast I thought she might've gotten whiplash. "Jade, don't joke with me right now."

I smirked and pulled out the lollipop I always make sure to keep with me. I watched Y/N's mouth dropped open and her eyes light up. She reached for the lollipop, but I moved it away from her hand.

"Jade, " she whined while pouting, making her look and sound like a three-year-old.

"Magic words."

"I love you!"

I handed her the lollipop, which caused her to squeal and attack my face with kisses before opening the wrapper and sucking on the lollipop.

The audience awed at her reaction and I couldn't help but feel lucky to call her mine.

"So Y/N, would you say you love candy or Jade more, " Ellen asked, and we all turned to look at Y/N, who hesitated.

"You hesitated, " I said and pointed an accusing finger at her.

"Babe, that's not fair. If you can have biscuits, then I can have candy. But of course, I love you more."

"I love you too and your sweet tooth, " I said before placing a gentle kiss to her cheek.

The rest of the interview was filled with laughs and fun, but I could only focus on my beautiful girlfriend sitting next to me.

She meant everything to me and I'd do anything to make her smile, even if that meant carrying a few lollipops in my pocket.

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