Drunken Nights (Leigh)

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You and Leigh-Anne stumbled through the door of your shared house. With Leigh supporting most of your weight, she was having a hard time.

Leigh-Anne managed to get you into the house and upstairs. Knowing how disgusting you would feel in the morning, she decided it'd be best if she helped you take a bath tonight.

So with not as much difficulty as she thought, she helped get you undressed and into the waiting water. The feeling of the water helped bring you somewhat back to consciousness.

As you looked around, your eyes landed on Leigh, instantly making you cry.

"Why are you sad," Leigh-Anne asked, trying not to laugh at you. She knew that after alcohol, your emotions tend to be all over the place.

You could be laughing one minute and then crying the next, all because you finished eating your food and wanted more.

You sniffled as more tears fell. "Because you don't love me," you said, instantly making Leigh concerned.

"Why would you say that? Of course, I love you," Leigh says looking in your eyes, hoping that even in your drunken state, you know she's telling the truth.

"Then why did you say you didn't want to be girlfriends anymore," you asked with tears rolling down your face.

Leigh lets out a small laugh that somehow makes you cry harder. "Aww, don't cry baby. That's not what I meant. Don't you remember what I said next?"

You shake your head while sniffling and Leigh-Anne is convinced you've never looked cuter. She reached into the water and grabbed your hand.

She took a second to admire the diamond on your finger. The diamond she put there to signify her love for you.

"You see that ring on your finger?" You looked down and nodded. "Good because that ring means I love you."

"You wanted me to be your wife," you said as the memories flashed through your head. You couldn't remember everything, but you remember how you felt.

You remember the overwhelming feeling of knowing that Leigh-Anne loves you just as much as you love her.

You remember your face hurting from being unable to stop smiling.

You remember Leigh-Anne's touch. You refused to let go of her for the rest of the night, not wanting to be more than an inch away.

"Yes, I didn't want you to be my girlfriend because I want you to be my wife," Leigh said, looking you in the eye. "So Y/N, will you be my wife?"

You sniffle as tears, much happier this time, fall. "Of course, I will," you say, pulling Leigh-Anne into a kiss.

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