Wedding Dance (Jesy)

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10 months

That's how long Jesy and I have been dating in secret. It wasn't always this way. We just wanted to wait a few months since I was a new backup dancer for her and the girls.

We didn't want it to seem as if I was using her. Even though we knew the truth, we didn't want to deal with the unnecessary hate and criticism that was sure to come.

After our six-month anniversary and we were ready to go public. We made the mistake of telling our management first and they completely shut us down.

We can't tell the public, our families, or even the girls. That's why we're on opposite sides of the room right now.

We're at Leigh-Anne and Andre's wedding reception. To keep up appearances, management made Jesy bring a fake date.

When the DJ plays the first dance song and introduces the new couple, I want to be anywhere but here. I love Leigh, but I can't stand to see her show off her love to everyone.

Jesy POV:

I should be watching one of my best friends looking beautiful and dancing with the love of her life, but I can't take my eyes off my beautiful girl across the room. She's sat with the other dancers at a table that couldn't be farther from me.

"Now, can all of the couples please join the newest couple on the dance floor?"

The DJ's request catches my attention and makes me realize I can't hide anymore. Looking at the love and happiness on Leigh's face when she looks at Andre makes me know that I want that with Y/N.

I stand up and feel all eyes follow me across the room as I walk to Y/N. Her back is turned to me so she doesn't see me walk up.

"Y/N, " her head snaps in my direction. "May I please have this dance?"

"Jes, what are you doing, " she asks.

"What I should've done a long time ago. I don't care about management. I love you, and I want everyone to know."

She gives me the biggest smile that I love and takes my hand. I lead her to the middle of the floor and position my hands at the small of her back while she wraps hers around my neck.

"I love you too, " she says while leaning her forehead on mine.

"I knew you two were together, " Leigh says, scaring us out of our moment. We look up to see that she and Andre have made their way towards us. "I've seen the way you guys look at each other."

"So, what does this mean?"

"It means that tomorrow we're going down to management and telling them that they can't control us."

"I love you so much Jesy."

"I love you more, Y/N."

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