Set Up (Leigh)

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You pulled into your daughter Avery's school, already fearing the worst. The nurse who called informed you that your daughter didn't feel well and that you should take her home for the rest of the day.

You knew she had to be okay, seeing as you'd just seen her a few hours ago when dropping her off. But anything could have happened, and you tend to hope for the best while preparing for the worst.

After being pointed in the nurse's direction, you enter a colorfully decorated office. You immediately rush to your daughter lying on one of the elevated beds.

"Hi, mommy," your daughter said, as bubbly and excited as ever.

"Hey, you must be Ms.Y/LN. I'm Nurse Pinnock, but you can call me Leigh-Anne," a nurse says, walking over to you.

"Is she ok?"

Even though your daughter looks fine, you still can't help the anxiety.

"She's perfectly fine, Ms. Y/LN. It's just a headache, but I like to ensure the kids get the proper rest they need. School can be overwhelming no matter the age."

You nod along in agreement. Mental health has always been important to you, so you understand where Leigh-Anne was coming from.

"I agree, and you can call me Y/N," you said with a smile.

"Alright then, Y/N. I recommend you take Avery home and just let her rest. She'll be back up and running within a couple of hours," Leigh-Anne said happily.

"What about the ice cream? You said you would tell her about ice cream," your daughter not so discreetly whispered to Leigh-Anne.

Leigh-Anne held in a laugh as she turned back to you. "I'd also recommend ice cream. It would help her to feel a lot better as well," Leigh-Anne said with a playful smile.

"Thank you, Leigh-Anne," you say with a smile. "We'll see about that ice cream. Come on, Avery."

You lead your daughter back to the office to sign her out before heading to the car and driving off.

As you're driving, you glance in your rearview mirror at your daughter, who doesn't seem like her head is hurting much.

She looks up, meeting your eye in the mirror. "Wasn't she pretty mommy?" You laugh while shaking your head, doubting that she was ever sick in the first place.

You knew you were raising a smart little girl and that you'd most likely be seeing a lot more of the nurses office.

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