Wedding Date (Jade)

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You walked across the room towards the open bar and ordered a drink. You leaned against the counter to watch couples on the dance floor, including your newly married best friend whose wedding party you were currently at.

You loved your best friend and wanted nothing more than to see her happy, but you couldn't help the twinge of jealousy you felt at seeing her in a relationship. 

"Don't these things always make you feel single," a voice said from next to you. You looked to your left and met the eyes of a beautiful brunette.

You turned back to watching the couples on the dance floor and took a sip of your drink. "Is it worse that I have to go to another wedding next week?"

The unnamed woman laughed, causing you to involuntarily smile and look at her. "I'm Jade, " she said, holding her hand out.

"Y/N, " you said, shaking it.

You and Jade laughed and talked for the rest of the night, getting to know each other. Conversation flowed easily, and you even shared a few dances.

Before you knew it, it was time to go. You watched Jade grab a napkin and ask the bartender for a pen.

"Here's my number," Jade said, handing you the napkin with her number written on it. "Maybe next time you won't have to be alone."

You watched Jade walk out, already counting down the days until you saw her again.

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