Sink or Sail Part 2 (Jesy)

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Another day another interview. Today you and the girls were doing yet another radio interview.

You felt relaxed since you were sitting next to Jesy. Throughout the interview, Jesy kept her hand on your thigh, not knowing that she was in the view of the camera.

Anytime you had to answer a question or talk in general, she would move her hand higher. With her being such a tease, you found it hard to focus.

You finished off the interview, hoping no one suspected a thing. Later that night, you were on the couch scrolling through your Instagram while Jesy was in the kitchen.

One post caught your eye and made you stop. It was of pictures from today's interview. More importantly, pictures focusing on Jesy's eye-catching hand placement.

"Shit, " you said, looking at the pictures. "Jes we have a problem."

Jesy came into the room with a concerned expression. "What happened?" You passed her your phone and watched her eyes go wide.

"What are we going to do?"

"We could always come out, " Jesy said cautiously. "We've been together for almost a year and while it's been amazing, I'd love to show you off. Brag and tell everyone that you're mine."

"Really, " you asked hesitantly. Although you had thought about coming out with Jesy, you were scared about outside opinions affecting your relationship. "I like our bubble, though. What if when we come out, people drive us apart?"

Jesy sighed before taking your hands in hers. "Do you love me?"

"Of course I do. Why would you ask that, " you replied instantly, shocked that Jesy even asked.

"Right and I love you. No one will take you away from me. I love you too much to let that happen."

Comforted by Jesy's words, you agreed to come out. The two of you decided to do a live stream to deliver the news.

"Hey Mixers, " Jesy said, greeting the flood of fans entering the live.

"So, many photos and rumors have been going around since our interview, and we just wanted to come on and clear those up, " you said.

Jesy looked at you, sensing your nerves. She grabbed your hand and when you looked at her, she sent you a reassuring smile.

"Jesy and I have been together for almost a year. Many of you may be wondering why we hid it for so long, and that's because we wanted something for ourselves, " you said.

Jesy nodded as she agreed with you. "With our lives, everything is in the open, so we wanted to keep this for us. We didn't want outside opinions or rumors to come between us."

"But as much as we love keeping it to ourselves, " Jesy continued. "We love our Mixers and want to show off our love."

"So I want all of you to know that this beautiful, amazing, strong woman sitting next to me is my girlfriend and I love her with my whole heart, " you said with the biggest smile on your face while staring at Jesy.

"I love you too, " Jesy said, leaning in and giving you a quick kiss.

You talked with the fans and answered more questions before signing off and getting in bed, lying next to each other.

"You think they'll be supportive?" Jesy pulled you closer. You laid your head on her shoulder and sighed.

"Of course they will. Our Mixers are amazing and just want to see us happy, " Jesy said, calming your nerves. "Plus, so long as we have each other, we'll be fine."

"Thank you, " you said into the darkness.

"What for princess?"

"For being here and just being you. I love you, " you said while closing your eyes.

"I love you too Y/N."

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