Hate Surprises (Perrie)

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"So what movie are we watching, " Jesy asked as she sat down on the couch. She was the last to arrive for your movie day with Perrie and the girls.

"I was thinking the Notebook. I haven't had a good cry in a while, " Perrie said making you all laugh but agree.

"Well fine, then I'll go get the tissues, " you said, getting up. "Jade, do you mind making the popcorn?"

"No problem, " she said, moving towards the kitchen.

"I'll go grab some blankets, " Leigh-Anne said as she moved towards the steps.

"Ok and babe, can you put the movie in, " you asked your girlfriend.

"Of course, " Perrie replied, getting up. You all went off to do your respective tasks. When you returned with the tissues, Perrie was sitting on the couch with the remote in hand.

You sat down next to her and cuddled into her. As you got comfortable, there was a knock at the door, making you groan.

Jesy laughed and got up. "I'll get it. I would hate for your comfort to be disrupted, " she said sarcastically.

"Thank you so much. I really didn't want to have to walk all the way to the door, " you replied in the same tone.

You listened to Jesy's distinct laugh as she retreated to the door. You turned to smile up at your girlfriend when she was gone.

"I've missed just relaxing with you, " you said when Perrie looked down into your eyes.

"I've missed you too, " she said and leaned down.

You met her in the middle and shared a sweet but passionate kiss. You could hear Jesy talking to someone whose voice you recognized but paid no attention.

"I've been gone for like 30 seconds and you guys are all over each other, " Jesy joked, causing you and Perrie to break apart.

You turned to her, ready to fire back a quick reply, but the people standing next to Jesy made the words get caught in your throat.

"Mom, Dad. What are you doing here, " you asked with your voice shaking a bit.

"We came here to surprise you, " your mother said with a shocked expression.

"What the hell are you doing, " your dad yelled harshly making you flinch, which Perrie and Jesy noticed. "Is this why you haven't been home? Because you've been out here living like this."

"Who is yelling, " Jade said, coming into the room with a bowl full of popcorn and Leigh following with an armfull of blankets. "Who are you, people?"

Everyone turned to look at you. You had been silently shaking in Perrie's arms. "Y/N, are you ok?" Perrie leaned down to catch your eye, which had been trained on the floor.

You refused to look up, afraid to meet anyone's eyes. Even though you were looking down, Perrie didn't miss the tears the ran down your face.

Perrie silently wiped your tears and stood up, walking towards your parents.

"You know I actually feel sorry for you. Y/N is such a beautiful person who you'll never get to know because of your inability to accept something so simple. I love her more than anything in this world and I'm sorry that you can't accept that, " Perrie said, her last sentence causing everyone to pause and make you look up.

"I think it's time you leave, " Perrie continued, not realizing the what she had said.

Perrie escorted your parents to the front door and closed it behind them. "I love you too, " you said as Perrie turned back around.

"What, " she asked, confused.

"You said you loved me, so now I'm saying that I love you too, " you clarified and watched as Perrie's eyes widened.

The sound of a muffled squeal made you turn around to see Jesy and Jade covering Leigh-Anne's mouth unsuccessfully, trying to keep her quiet.

"Sorry. That was just so cute, " Leigh gushed when her mouth was released.

"It's ok, " you said with a laugh. "Now, get over here so we can watch our movie." Everyone huddled together around the couch, getting comfortable and ready for the movie.

"Did you really mean? You love me, " you whispered, looking up at Perrie. Perrie looked down at you, and you could see the sincerity and love in her eyes.

"With my whole heart."

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